.kang yeosang.

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You sat sitting sobbing by the front door of your dorm room curled in a ball. He did it again. He cheated again. This has been the third time he cheated on you since you two got together. You always wondered why you stayed with him after all he's done. But it always came down to the same thing. You loved him. 

"Y/N, I'm ba- What happened???" Your best friend and room mate Yeosang asked rushing over to your side as he came back from hanging out with his friends. "Don't tell me it was-"

"Yes, yes it was him. Again. And I know you're gonna go on and on about how stupid I was to even go back to him in the first place.

"Baby, you aren't stupid. He's the stupid one for even thinking about cheating on you in the first place" 

"I am though. I shouldn't have even tried to go back to him again after what-"

Yeosang cut you off by engulfing you in a tight hug. 

"Don't ever say that. You don't deserve such an asshole like him. Forget about him and everything. You deserve better. You deserve the world Y/N"

That caused butterflies to come alive in your stomach. Your feelings towards Yeosang were always confusing. You liked him in the past but the intense feeling you had faded due to your boyfriend, well ex boyfriend coming into your life. Little things Yeosang did made your heart flutter a bit, but then you always snapped back to the reality of being taken. You realized you had never really been there since you started dating him. Yeosang was always there for you while you were never there for him.

"I'm sorry" You blurted out as Yeosang pulled back slightly giving you a confused look.

"Sorry for what?" 

"Never being there for you. You're always here for me while I'm always off with him"

"Don't worry Y/N, it's completely fine. You don't have to apologize at all." 

"But sometimes I feel like I'm such a burden to you."

"You aren't. You're the most special thing that happened in my life. You're so beautiful, smart, funny, and amazing. You do so many things to help others whether you realize it or not. Those are reasons why I love you" Yeosang suddenly covered his mouth with his hand and pulled away from you. 

"Did you just confess to me Kang Yeosang?" You asked with a slight smile playing on your lips

"I'm so sorry. I-"

"No, it's okay. Everyone has their own feelings. And honestly, there's a part of me that still likes you."

"Wait you mean to tell me that you had a thing for me?" 

"Yes Yeosang"

"Wow, I had no idea"

"Welp, now you know"

"I know this is a really bad time but maybe in the future do you think we could ya know" He asked gesturing between the two of you

"Sure, but like you said, in the future. I still need some time."

"I get it. I'll wait. Take as much time as you need. Just know, I'll always be here for you"


𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now