Jealousy part 2 natsu's pov

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Okay guys I thought jealousy part 2 IN Natsu's pov would be awesome so boom!

Did it! Anyways sorry to all you guys who waited and that I didn't update in a long time because I was on vacation.....

So I'm dedicating this chapter to
LucyAshleyHeartfilia @rangergirl50
For commenting and voting for most of my chapters in this story

And @naomi_nakashimaSWAG
For being my number one fan (that cheered me up XD)

Anyways to let you guys know in 2015 I won't be able to update often because in 2015 will be my final year before I can graduate so I don't want to mess up my exams.........

Conclusion:I'll try to update at least once or twice a month.

If I manage to update twice the chapters are probably short and my chapters will have some mistakes because I don't have time to update,so bear with me for a while ;_____;

Enough talking I'm going to start writing.

Natsu's pov

It was quiet,as I slowly felt my eyes open automatically,with a few beams of sunlight touching my skin.

I slowly got up into a sort of sitting position,with me staring at my surrondings......

I was in Lucy's apartment meaning......

Immediately I turned to my right facing the window.

Unconsciously a smile crept onto my face,it was lucy.

I stared at her figure for a moment observing how her chest rose up and down from every breath she took.

I brushed back a few loose strands of her hair as the sun shone on her face illuminating her facial features,which somehow enchanted me.

I felt my hand drift to Lucy's cheek where I trailed around it enjoying the soft and silky feeling of her skin.

Finally I glanced down at her neck,it looked so........smooth and delicious
(A/N: oh and natsu isn't a vampire XD
[totally wtf moment] XDD)

Starry~ I think I just spoiled the mood •____•

[back to the story line]

Her scent,it drove me crazy,the sweetness of Lucy's smell,I remembered it so well vanilla and strawberry.

My head slowly drifted to her neck where I felt my sensitive nose start to twitch at how much sweet goodness was drowning it.

After being captivated for so long,i felt my fangs start to come out as it grazed against it for a moment,

"I wanted,no needed luce,"

I thought In my mind,however I felt a part of me rejecting this decision.

It sent a sick feeling inside my stomach,I felt my insides start to churn.

It hurt so much I swiftly redrew from my heaven.

I managed to mumble out before I fled the scene through the window.

It hurt separating from her....and the urge of wanting grew so much,this crazy insane sort of feeling bubbled inside of me.

Insanity,that word it rang so many bells,and somehow it sounded sweet.
(A/N: I might end up making natsu yandere,because I been searching and no one made and yandere!nalu fanfics so it might be interesting >^<)

I quickly shook my head no time to think about my crazy feeling of my luce.....

MY LUCE?!?!?
Actually it doesn't sound too bad
Yeah my Luce sounds good.

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