14: Alpha King

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Chapter 14

-Atlas Cole Fenrir-

"Such a sweet boy!"

I placed a kiss on Maverick's forehead and kissed my mate's cheek, making me grin. I love how we're actually being a proper family now, as if we had been doing this for ages, when in truth it hadn't actually been that long since I met Tatiana and we adopted our son.

"Bye Papa Atlas! Bye Aunt Audrey!" Maverick chirped as he waved his small hand while Tatiana was holding him in her arms as they left my study. The little merboy really wants to run around the house and do some exploring. Typical kids.

I'd really like to join them too, but my twin sister insisted we have something important to talk about.

"Bye bye, sweet boy!" Audrey also waved back to her nephew.

Almost instantly, after Maverick introduced himself, she fell in love with him in a blink. My sister has always been a kid, as have I. It's in our nature to be kind and friendly, especially to the creatures that are closest to us, but at the same time, because of our wolf, we sometimes tend to lose control.

I made sure that both Tatiana and our son were out of hearing range before I rolled my eyes and sat down in my office chair while looking at my sister, who was grinning like a cheshire cat.

"Spill it out already, sister." I sighed, wanting this conversation to be over.

"Aren't you a tad curious about what Uncle talked to me about?" She paced around with a big goofy grin on her face.

"No. Obviously it's the same request since Jane went rogue." I sighed again and shook my head.

That's the only thing Uncle Leonard has been wanting me to do and the main reason why I've been avoiding seeing him.

"Plain Jane." Audrey rolled her eyes, mocking our cousin, before continuing,

"It is your duty, brother." She sat in the chair in front of me and looked at me seriously.

"My duty is to this pack and our family, sister."

Ever since our father died, I instantly took on the role of being the Alpha of this pack, promising all the members that I would protect and fight for them just like Father did before. I swore to be a good Alpha and to never abandon the pack.

"You're forgetting that you are also an Alpha Prince who is next in line to be the Alpha King, Attie." My sister exclaimed, our frustration with our opposing views in the situation clearly showing.

Damn it Jane.

Why did you just have to run away?

"It was supposed to be Jane who's next in line to her father's throne, not me." I gritted my teeth.

"Like you said, Plain Jane went rogue. Besides, you've got all the qualities to be a good Alpha King! I mean, just look at what you did to our pack, brother! We all believe in you, and so does Uncle Leonard." Audrey reasoned to me like she had been doing ever since our uncle offered me the position.

I might have all the qualities to be a good Alpha King, like my twin sister said, but that still doesn't change the fact that I'm a half-breed. There are just a lot of cons to taking on the role of Alpha King.

"Uncle's only saying that because he's got no other choice. The two of us are the closest relatives he has since his father died. Why don't you step in for me?" I crossed my arms to my chest.

"You're twenty-three minutes older than me, brother. Besides, no one in the kingdom except for Uncle would accept me and my mate; we're both half breeds."

I rolled my eyes at how hypocritical she sounded.

"I'm a half breed too, sister. And did you forget all about my mate, Tatiana? She's a former hunter who's the granddaughter of the very hunter who killed Alpha King Darius, our grandfather. Not to mention we just adopted a merboy as our son. So do you think they'll accept me and my family as well?"

Being a pure royal blood in the kingdom is everything to the whole werewolf community; that means you came from the long bloodline of strong, mighty, and respected Alphas, so it's easy to be accepted that way. However, my sister and I have always been different and complicated, despite also coming from the long bloodline of royal Alphas; the both of us are never truly considered pure royal blood since we have a mix.

I still remember the nicknames the other royal and noble children living in the kingdom would call me and my sister when we were just kids visiting our uncle.






Those were just the silly names they would call us that don't bother me now, but hearing those terrible nicknames as a child who just wanted to be accepted truly hurts.

They hate us just because we have the blood of the Faeries, the fact that we also have their sacred markings in our faces that are visible for everyone to see, our powers, and the fact that we are the children of the Faerie Queen.

They even hated our father and our pack.

Now, I just can't imagine actually stepping in to claim the throne as Alpha King; every pack in the whole world would despise me, especially when they'd find out that my mate is a former hunter who also came from a long bloodline of hunters that has been our greatest enemy for many generations and that we also adopted a son who's part of the Merfolk.

I don't want to ever put my mate and our child through that kind of treatment.

"Uncle Leonard is not getting any younger, Attie. He's already old and very sickly now; he told me that he was afraid he would die soon before actually talking to you about being his successor and all."

Goddess, I know that.

Ever since the silver bombing incident six years ago, Uncle Leonard has grown weak, especially since his old age is not keeping up with him.

I stressfully rubbed my temple, but then an idea popped out of my head, and my eyes glinted.

"You know what, sister? I actually have an idea."

"So you'll finally talk to Uncle?" She happily exclaimed.

"No, I'm actually planning on going to Japan." I smiled.

It's been a long time since the last time I travelled to Asia.

"Definitely not! We made a deal years ago! Even though we were ten back then, that deal still stands!"

I only smiled at my infuriated twin sister; she got up and stormed towards me, slamming her clenched fist into my mahogany table, almost breaking the wood because of her supernatural strength.

She and our cousin Jane have a long history together.

"I'm still going. Perhaps I could even convince Jane."

There's like a 35 percent chance of me being able to convince her to reconnect with her father again, and then maybe they could talk it out and Uncle will finally be able to forgive her so she can get her place back in the line of succession, and if that happens, I'm behind her once again, like it should be.

"As if you could convince Uncle to take her back. But I actually also have an idea in mind." Audrey's eyes also glinted, and she smiled at me.

"Fine, you can go to Japan for all I care tomorrow. But after you visit that Plain Jane, I want you to go to Europe so that you can finally talk to Uncle Leonard. Whatever happens, whether Plain Jane will be convinced or not, you have to go to Europe, understood?" She smirks as she sits back down.

My sister is still so demanding.

"Whatever. I'll bring Tatiana and Maverick with me as well then."

"Good, it's a deal."



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