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before you start reading this chapter, this video is sponsored by— jOkE. feeling youuber 🙄🙄. ok i'm gonna make this quick. i just like hit 500 reads in a span of one week. omg guys thanks for reading this story i made adjsjsj. oKay continue reading.


a few days passed and zhao yunlan was back to work. he couldn't forget the kiss. the question is are they dating or not? if they aren't they would look like friends with benefits. if they were, zhao yunlan still hopes that he could regain his memory once and for all. "we heard what happened, chief." lin jing smirked. zhao yunlan popped a lollipop in his mouth "can't believe you were able to hurt shen wei." lao chu giggled "the highlight of that is you kissed him." da qing smirked.

zhao yunlan glared at zhu hong "you told them?" he asked "of course." zhu hong chuckled "i told you not to! god this is embarrassing." zhao yunlan groaned "so are you guys dating?" xiao guo asked "hm.. maybe?" zhao yunlan shrugged "what are you? friends with benefits?" lin jing asked. zhu hong suddenly shushed him. "what is that?" xiao guo asked. zhao yunlan glared at lin jing.

lao chu wrapped an arm around xiao guo "do you really wanna know, kid?" he asked with a husky voice "chu ge, do you know what it means?" xiao guo asked him "okay da qing, explain to him what is it." lao chu said "da qing!" zhao yunlan called "hah too late chief. i'm gonna explain grown up shit." da qing smirked. "okay xiao guo, do you know friends, right?" da qing asked and paused. xiao guo rapidly nodded his head "so.. if there are two friends who like, fu—" he suddenly gets cut off by zhu hong.

"two friends become intimately involved with each other. meaning, they you know make love." zhu hong sugarcoated da qing's statement "but they're not in a relationship. they're just friends." da qing added. "oh- so wait shen wei isn't a virgin anymore?!" xiao guo exclaimed "ha?! no!" zhao yunlan shouted. "i haven't fucked him yet!" he added. the whole squad laughed. "oh shit this kid is the best." lin jing wheezed. "but wait wait." lao chu tried to stop laughing "try asking shen wei if you guys are dating. if not, whoops!" he said. 

zhao yunlan rolled his eyes as he glanced at them laughing. "i'll stop by the university later." he said "oh then tell us what he said." zhu hong said excitedly "yeah sure." zhao yunlan responded "okay get your asses back to work." zhao yunlan commanded.


while shen wei was in his office, preparing for the next lecture someone knocked on the door. "come in." shen wei says. then they pushed the door. shen wei was surprised that zhao yunlan appeared."zhao yunlan." shen wei smiled. zhao yunlan closed the door upon entering. "i got you some lunch." zhao yunlan said and sat on the chair. "oh thanks." shen wei said as zhao yunlan gave his food. "what brings you here?" shen wei asked. "can't it be that i'm just missing my angel?" zhao yunlan smirked.

suddenly, shen wei blushed upon his words. clearly he was flirting with shen wei. "oh yeah i have to ask." zhao yunlan trailed off "yes? what is it?" shen wei says as he continued his paper work for the next lecture "are we dating? if not, we're gonna look like friends with benefits." zhao yunlan asked. shen wei abruptly stopped writing. "that's the same question in my head for a few days now." shen wei said as he stared into zhao yunlan "hold up, do you even like me?" zhao yunlan asked.

for a moment it was silent. shen wei gulped "let me be honest.." shen wei said as he breaks the silence "i do have feelings for you. i don't know how you were able to make me fall for you that fast. it just happened." he continued. zhao yunlan smirked upon his reply "i do like you." shen wei added. "to answer your question, i guess we are dating. for sure, i wouldn't make our relationship quote on quote friends with benefits." shen wei smiled.

zhao yunlan can't believe what he heard. he just wanted to leap for joy when he heard that. definitely, he had a pure glimmer of hope that shen wei could remember him but if not, he's contented to let shen wei stay like that. "then it's settled." zhao yunlan smiled. shen wei just smiled back. 

just at the right time, shen wei already has to proceed to his class "i still need to go to my lecture." shen wei said and stood up. zhao yunlan followed. "see you around." shen wei said and gave a kiss on zhao yunlan's cheek "see you around as well." zhao yunlan replied with a smile. shen wei smiled back and exited the office.


"i've heard this chief of the SID has a new lover." mr sy says. "from the university huh." he mumbles. "we have to start taking them in hostage!" mr sy slammed on the table "bring in the choking boy." he said. "so, who are we sucking the lives out today?" the choking boy, tan says. "you have to take this certain person in hostage by tomorrow." mr sy hands him the file.

it read 'personal data'. "hmm." he hums in satisfaction "an easy target. i might get him dead as well." tan smirked "tan, you have to lure certain people there, can you do that?" mr sy asked "hell yea i can." tan replied "very good." mr sy smiled. 

mr. sy sat on his couch "are the drugs completely planted?" he asked "yes boss." one of their member answered "are they buying it now?" mr sy asked. they nod in reply. "we just had tgar chief weeks ago." mr sy groaned "tan," he called. "make me proud. kill him if you have to." he smirked.

tan placed on his devilish smile "yes sir." he replied "i'll make sure he's dead in no time." he added and smiled proudly.

make you mine ; shen wei x zhao yunlanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora