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Alex opened my eyes slowly opened eyes to see the dark under side of Lura and her bunkbed, she could hear Lura snorring, so I knew she was still asleep. She got out of the bed and went to her private room and started to jump and sore and realse some stress when the newest trainiee walked in. His name was nick and he was amazingly smart, he could figure out anything including how to defeat forest predators, he had light brown hair and blue eyes, he was built athleticly, not as much as Alex, of coures, but he was in shape. Alex thought he was hot, but she didn't know what he thought of her.

She had her black hair tied back in a ponytail, her green eyes alert, even though she had just gotten up, she was still in her pajamas and her slippers were lieing by the door. She didn't notice him standing there and he stood in the door frame, not makingt a sound. She was amazing in flight, and since nick was new here, he hadn't seen her using her power much. But, like all humans, Nick had a down side, he had wanted to stay there until she landed to make any noise, so she wouldn't be in full flight mode and attack him, but when Nick liked someone (yes he liked Alex) he gets clumbsy, he shifted and sliped on her water bottle, and fell, making a noise like a predators howl as the water bottle hit the paded walls. Alex's sharp senses picked the noise and she instinctivly dove and picked Nick up by the back of his shirt and lunged towards her metal pole she used to train with, and threw him in to the wall (it was paded, thankfully) and a cloud of gymnastic powder puffed out, Nick just happened to be allergic to dust adn fine powder and he started to sneeze and cough. Alex heard that and relized who it was, she groaned adn landed next to her gym bag and picked up a dust allergiemedication, made for Nick, she was the only one in the small group of defenders (thats what they called the forest predator fighters) that wasn't allergic to anything, so she carried dust pilles for Nick and cat allergy pills ffor Lura. She lept and landed but Nick at the other side of the largegym room, in a coughing, sneezing heap on the floor. She tossed the pilles to him and jumped over to her light blue gym bag, " Don't scare me like that you Idiot, if you hadn't started sneezing, I might have killed you!" she loaded her stuff in to her bag and leaped over to Nick, who was starting to regain himself after taking the pilles, he stood and looked at her, he only had two inches on her and he liked to tease her for it, but he was the one that looked like a dork, getting beat up by a girl and then having an allergy attack save him from having the girl kill him. He rubbed his back "you can throw hard!" he eclaimed, "sorry, you sounded like a predator, let me see." she said, and lifted the back of his shirt up, it was bright red, like a hand after a extremly hard slap that makes your hand tingley. "take of your shirt, I need to see if it did any real damage." he turned to look at her with a 'what, it would be so emberassing, your a girl!' look on his face. She put her hands on her hips, tilted her hip to the left and raised an eyebrow,"oh come on, I won't laugh at your jiggle!" she joked. he lifted his shirt over his head, he didn't have any jiggle. Alex tried not to stare, but it was hard, she liked him for his funny, clumsy, smart, nice personality, but he was also really hot. "umm, ah, it lookes fine she stutered, trieing to stop gawking over him, she contained it so well that Nick didn't notice, but she was droling on the inside. He took his shirt and looked down at her and they're eyes met, Nick loved the shade of her green eyes and Alex loved the shade of his blue eyes. Alexlooked away, "I, um, should go check on Lura." she said in a quiet, shy voice and she lept off, leaving Nick alone in the gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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