"Want you where love?" Klaus said confused.

"when you shift it will hurt albeit not nearly as painful Because your a hybrid" she said rambling.

"Get to the point love" he said amused.

"Do you want me at the sacrifice? A lot of wolves shift in packs" She gave a brief explanation. Klaus was mulling over the positive and negatives of her being there. He like the idea of not being alone during his shift, but didn't want to willingly put her in harms way. He finally nodded. "If you would like to come you may" he replied in an uncaring tone but he was felt a little excited not having to do it alone.

She gave him a bright smile. "Okay I'll be there, I'm off to yell at Elijah now" she said still smiling walking out the door. Leaving Klaus with a small smile on his face.

"Katherine noticed this and boldly said "Crushing on your brothers girl Klaus, how Salvatore of you." While taking a sip of the coffee she made herself

"Sod off Katerina" he yelled grabbing his jacket leaving the apartment. But not before compelling her to forget all about Ryland being here.


Elena was getting into her car right as Ryland arrived. The blonde spared the doppelgänger a nod before following the scent of her friend. She finally found him sitting on a concrete bench at the Lockwoods estate. He stood up as she approached. They stared at each other of a few seconds Elijah felt all the worry leave his body when he noticed that she was unharmed. but the moment he looked into her eyes that were full of rage and betrayal he knew that she knew. Not wasting another moment she cocked her fist back and hit his left cheek. "You lied! To me ! you're best friend. When have we ever lied to each other" the blonde was thankful he was okay. but her anger out weighted her gratefulness.

"Ryland you have to understand..." he tried to reason while rubbing his jaw that girl had hell of a hook. "No Elijah no I don't, I'm not helping you kill you're brother, I can't but you already knew that" anger was present but she tried to hold some of back.

"You're upset with me and I understand that but I'm killing Niklaus weather you agree with it or not" his voice was the same stoic tone he always had but there was hint of unease.

"Well I guess we're on opposing sides" she spoke while tears were threatening to spill. "It would seem so" to say Elijah hated this would be an understatement, his brother once again causing him to be alone.

The suited original ears perked as he heard Elena's car pull into the drive way "Elena's back" he said solemnly not liking how things were about to end. "Can we finish later?" he asked.

"I'll see you later Elijah" was all she said before walking off the way she came.


Klaus have an eventful day, things were going swimmingly until Stefan Salvatore ruined his lunch with Jenna. He was moments way from being back into his own body, he was growing nervous that Ryland wouldn't come back. Alaric hit the floor with a thud "Elena?" Before completely knocking out.

The board was taken off revealing Klaus in his own body "now that's more like it" Katherine visibly paled at the sight of him. Ryland chose that exact moment to enter the apartment holding her orange cat who was purring lovingly in her arms. Klaus first took notice to the cat and was about to say something but then he saw how puffy her eyes were and opted not too.

Ryland let out a smile taking in his appearance, blonde curly hair pink plump lips. "I knew you were going to be hot" she whispered more to herself than anything. But of course Klaus heard and smirked.

"You finally came back" the soon to be hybrid said looking at the girl.

"Sorry I went for an unplanned run" she explained, no longer angry just upset with the events that happened earlier.

"So I take things didn't go well with Elijah?" He said amusement in his eyes.

She glared at him. Causing him to hold his hand up in mock surrender. "Listen to me Niklaus Mikaelson, and listen good, I didn't just get into a fight with my best friends so you can be a pompous ass, Im solely relying on the hopes you didn't through your siblings in the Arctic" she said walking up to to the original anger on her face. "For him to forgive me for siding with you please don't make me regret it" with that the blonde marched to the master bedroom with her cat and falling fast asleep knowing she would need rest for tomorrow full moon.


Episode 19 Season 2, Titled: Klaus

Okay so Ryland punched Elijah, called Klaus an pompous ass all in one day, I'm thinking Ryland will fit well with the Mikaelsons No?


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