15. I didnt do it

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Before I knew it the school year was over and I went back home to my parents. The summer was all full of fun but I missed my friends. My parents asked all about it and how much I learned they told stories of how there 3rd year went when they went there.

Summer went by and it was time to get school Supplies for 4th year. I run into the Weasleys, Hermione and Harry, we went together to get everything we needed.

I was soon at Hogwarts again it was very good to be back I ran into Luna and we Caught up.

"Clara guess what!" She said

"What is it?" I asked very interested.

"Me and Neville are now boyfriend and girlfriend!" Luna said.

"No way!" We smiled and talked more.

Later I Catched up with Harry Ron and Hermione, and later I found Cedric and catches up with him. Harry and me spent the first couple days at Hogwarts not leaving Each others sides.

Later that week me and Draco hanged out one night in the Astronomy tower. To was good to see him again and we talked all about our summers.

A month or so past it was late October and we where all eating dinner when professor Dumbledore got up to say something. He said this year Hogwarts all be having the Triwizard Tournament, he said the rules and how to enter and then people from to another wizard schools came in.

Harry and me talked about all rest of dinner well I think everyone was talking about it.

The next day I ran into Cedric and he said he's going to enter it. Later he put his name in the cup and soon after Dumbledore started to Announce who was picked.

"Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons Academy," the room Irrupted into cheers. "Viktor Krum, from Durmstrang Institute," cheers again. "Cedric Diggory from Hogwarts."

I clapped and cheered for him my hands where about to fall off. Cedric wear the biggest smile when he walked up there.

"And one more." Dumbledore said, the cheering went down. "Clara Bender from Hogwarts." Cheering irrupted again, but I didn't move. I didn't smile, I was just confused I didn't put my name in there who did?

"Clara go up!" Fred said. I got up and walked up there next to Cedric.

"Cedric I didnt put my name in." I whispered, I still wasn't smiling.

"What? But how did you get picked?" He asked.

"I don't know." You had to be 17 to enter, I'm 14.

After dinner Professor Dumbledore came up to me Calmly. "Did you put your name in the cup or have some one put it in?"

"No I didn't professor." I say.

"Hmm very Strange. You may go." He said.

The quickly left and went to the common room. Hermione was reading Ron and Harry where talking and a few more people around sitting.

"Congratulations!" Harry and Ron came over and a few more people I didn't know as well.

"Hmm thanks." I put on a fake smile.

That night I couldn't sleep I just laid there in bed thinking of how this happened. Why me? Out of everyone at Hogwarts someone out of name in. Why not Harry? But why me?

The next day went by to slow, the classes felt so long. I felt sick all day to so that didn't help me. And I couldn't stop thinking of yesterday.

"So do you know when the first Task is?" I asked Cedric, we where in the liberty.

"I think it's in late November, maybe the 24th." He said.

"Oh ok thanks." I said with a small smile.

I had i little less then one month to get ready for the first task that I knew nothing about. Wow just great.

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