Chapter 15: Pure Destruction

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My breathing seemed to suddenly become non-existent as I felt my last breath catch in my throat, the world around me slowly becoming muffled and clouded. Images of the griever I faced only days ago taking control of my mind, I could feel the pain, hear the metal tearing against the stone in the maze, see the reflection of sharp metal on the glistening skin of the creature. I wanted to collapse into a ball, cry and hug myself until it was over but I couldn't. I knew I couldn't, not right now. Breaking me from the rising panic in my chest, a griever screech echoed along the glade walls, making everyone stop in their tracks to listen to the sound of living death. I looked at Minho, then to Thomas, feeling the heavy dread that had settled uncomfortably in both of them.

"What do we do?" My voice shook slightly as I stared at Minho, hoping he had a plan. He closed his eyes for a second, as if he was pushing away the fear that had built up inside him. There was a fierce bravery in his eyes when he opened them, as he turned in a circle, looking at the other gladers that were scattered around, unsure of what to do. Alby saw us from the entrance of the homestead, running over to us. He whispered something in Minho's ear, which he nodded at and then disappeared back into the homestead.

"Right, Thomas, you get the builders, tell them to get as much wood as possible and start blocking up the windows of the homestead and anything else important," Thomas simply nodded and left. "You need to get as many people as possible to the homestead, it's the safest place to go." I nodded and turned to leave, but he grabbed my hand before I could slip into the growing darkness. "It'll be okay, I'll find you." I smiled and squeezed his hand. I couldn't let myself get emotional right now so I didn't think about what could happen to him or say anything back and ran to the boys nearest to me.

"Hey, the homestead quickly," I said, "And don't worry it'll be fine." They looked at each other before nodding and heading towards the homestead. I swallowed the fear creeping up my throat and turned to see who was closest to me. Before I could reach them I heard screams from the other side of the glade, except they didn't belong to a griever. I felt that stone cold fear that I swallowed come straight back up, a shiver erupting down my entire body, covering every inch in unstoppable shakes. I whipped my head around and saw people running from the door on the South of the glade, soon followed by a griever. These people had nothing, no major running abilities, no weapons, no hope... just the pure strain for survival and even that didn't seem to be enough. I watched in horror as someone got thrown across the ground and before they even had the chance to get up and away, the griever pounced, attacking with any piece of machinery it could. 

I felt tears prick my eyes as blood seeped from under the griever's moving body. It was bright and there was so much pouring across the grass like a strange river of thick lava. It wasn't even someone I knew well but it still sent a shattering ache through me. I turned towards another sound of commotion, seeing another griever charge through the North doors as I put my hands on my temples, my mind going wild trying to figure out the next best thing to do. I knew soon enough we could be swarmed from all doors. We didn't have enough time. I wasn't even sure if we could stand a chance. 

"Everyone! To the homestead!" I shouted. It was all I could think to do, going from person to person wouldn't work, it would take too long. I watched as a stream of people ran for the homestead, colliding with each other, terror present on their faces. I wanted to follow them and hide but I couldn't sit back and watch the glade shatter and burn. I watched a griever chase after the group that were making their way to the homestead and without thinking I headed straight for it. The homestead was most people's last chance, it couldn't be invaded yet. 

"Hey! Follow me!" I shouted, waving my arms, quickly gaining it's attention. It turned to me, letting out a deafening roar, arching it's back as it prepared to charge towards me. I felt myself back in the maze and somehow it made me slightly calmer. I did it once, I can do it again. But was I really that lucky? Could I do this? There were more than last time and there was more chaos to get caught up in. I shoved the thoughts out of my mind and turned, my feet pummelling against the ground. I could hear the clank of metal against metal behind me but I didn't look back, just kept running, leading it away from the homestead. I heard screams erupt somewhere to my left, pure cries of pain ripping through the air. I tried not to look but at times I couldn't pull my eyes away from the mess of blood and body parts left behind by the killing machines. I felt sickness churn inside me but carried on going, the thought killed me but I knew they were beyond my help.

"(Y/n)!" I turned my head, seeing Ben running in from the left of me, a long knife in his hand. We ran towards each other, so fast we weren't able to stop ourselves, tumbling to the floor in a mix of arms and legs. I grunted, a slight pain tingling my side, thankful for the grassy landing. Sitting myself up, I turned to see the griever focused on us, it's prey. I barely had time to think, let alone react as a three-fingered grabbing tool lurched towards us. I felt my mind shut down, letting my body move by itself. I rolled backwards as I heard it clamp shut onto nothing, a sharp snap of metal as it grabbed onto air. I looked up, seeing Ben already on his feet, quickly mirroring his movements. 

The griever seemed to look between us, noticing the flash of Ben's knife, turning towards me as it pounced. I swerved to the side, just missing a saw that whirred past my stomach. Any closer and my insides would be spilling to the floor, an image that shook me to my core. Ben came up next to me, his knife out. I could sense his fear, something he was clearly trying to hide as he held the knife shakily in front of us. The griever seemed to erupt, a swift movement of dark flesh and metal, spinning, attacking us with everything it had. I saw a blade swinging down, I turned to the left, arching my back but I was too slow. I felt it tear down my back, sending hot pain through my body. I cried out, trying to block it out as a spear swooped over me. I ducked just in time, feeling the wind that came from the movement just above my head. I could see Ben fighting with every bit of strength he had out of the corner of my eye.

"Behind you! There's anoth-" I turned to Ben as he shouted something at me, but in his moment of distraction I watched him fly into the air, cutting off his words. I watched, wishing desperately I could do something but nothing came into my mind. It was all happening so fast. His grip loosened on his knife as he fumbled to keep a hold of it. The griever flicked him to the side, the blade slipping from his hands, falling to the floor. Ben lay on the ground, a heap of crumpled skin and bones. I ran over, grabbing the knife, sliding under the grievers legs as the grabber reached for me, snapping over and over, trying to catch hold of anything. Adrenaline pumped through me and I felt unstoppable but the overwhelming fear that it could all be over soon rang through my brain. I reached him, putting my fingers on his neck, looking for a pulse. Nothing. 

I felt my lip tremble and tears sting my eyes, threatening to fall out as I took my hand away from the lifeless body in front of me. I felt anger, guilt and an immense sadness wash over me, dragging me into despair as I realised that this had probably happened to plenty of my friends across the glade and there was nothing I could do to help any of them. I turned, remembering what Ben was halfway through telling me before... before the griever took him. There were two, slowly advancing towards me, backing me into the wall that me and Ben had ended up running towards. I held the knife up with both hands, pointing it straight towards them but I knew it could hardly do anything against the two of them. My mind flashed with memories of my time in the glade, the sunny mornings to the beautiful sunsets. It was now that I accepted the end.

In another burst of movement the grievers threw themselves towards me, I felt a gasp escape my mouth and I gave up. My body ached, my mind was numb, pain flowed through me, like it was a normal part of who I was. I could barely hear the battle cry of someone running towards me until I was thrown to the side, an ugly noise of metal against metal crashing above me as the person fought viciously. I looked up as they grabbed my arm, pulling me away from the horror. I couldn't tell who it was at first but then the moonlight reflected off his now dirty blonde hair, a fierce look of survival in his brown eyes. I could have broke down and cried at the fact that he just saved my life.

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