When I heard the music starting I could already feel the tears coming, I'm looking at the audience 'cause if I look at the girls I'll either cry or laugh but I took a gamble and turned around I saw some of them already tearing up, when I looked at Pany-ah her eyes were watery and I smiled at her. 'Pany-ah this song is about you, I hope you can understand my feelings through this song, you were always there by my side, yes you are my one and only star Pany-ah, and I love you.'

(Cue U R by Kim Taeyeon)

I sighed and prepared myself...

For a long time, in my heart,
Full of clouds, it rains
For warm sun to shine,
I sincerely hoped.
Raindrops that wet my shoulder,
When I dried, I alone,
Was so afraid that it would remain.

You are like a light, after the rain has passed,
You come up in my heart, like this.

'You give me hope and comfort in the toughest of times Pany-ah, when I almost gave up during trainee days, that time when I was in depression and trauma and when I'm tired from solo promotions,....you were always there with open arms to welcome me home, to cheer me on to support me..'

Cause you are, the light that fell on me,
You are, like a beautiful dream,

'A dream I wish I could keep forever..'
With seven rays, the whole world,
Is dyed even more beautifully, always.
Yeah U R.

On top of an empty green hill,
Rainbow becomes a roof.
I lay still underneath and look at the sky.
This throbbing I felt for the first time, with peacefulness of the world
More loveable than anyone else

'The most lovable in fact...and adorably cute especially when you pout..'

When I turn my head, at your smile,
Unknowingly, I reach my hand out, like this.

'I've always relied on you, yet you never complained once, as long as we're together it's okay..'

Cause you are, the light that fell on me,
You are, like a beautiful dream,
With seven rays, the whole world,
Is dyed even more beautifully, always.
Yeah U R.

When the rain that wets my windows stops,
Under the Rainbow, you must be waiting.

'Pany-ah...wait for me....I'm sorry for all those times I hurt you by shutting you out..'
The stories I couldn't say,
All of the secrets I couldn't do,

'I want to be with you Pany-ah! You said we'd go to Disneyland again, we'd bring our families and have fun....we promised to always stay together..'
I want to deliver it today

You are always beside me,
You are inside of my tender heart,

'You always have and you always will be in my heart Pany-ah....'
Even more shining and beautifully,
It fills the night sky,
You're my star

'My Vitamin, my Happiness...my everything...'
Yeah U R, Oh U R
U R, Oh U R

I stayed in the center all throughout the song 'cause if I moved I'd probably fall 'cause my knees were shaking. As I was singing I had flashbacks about how we used to spend time together, like two peas in a pod, how we'd cuddle at night after a hectic day, our arguments, our Disneyland dates, our private moments together....as I sang the song I poured all my emotions on it and of course it made me tear up. The instrumental of the song started playing and the crowd were clapping their hands, I could hear their sobs and when I turned around to look at the girls all of them are bawling their eye out, even Jessica but when I looked at Pany-ah she wasn't crying like the other girls instead she was smiling softly at me with her eye-smile, she stood from her seat and came to me.

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