chapter 9

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My heart started racing like i had just ran a mile non stop. Should i read it? Should i ignore it and move on? why was i freaking out over a text. I decided to move next to my phone you know just to give it body heat and all nothing much, two seconds later my hand was right next to my phone begging me to just read it, soo of course my hand won. I opened my eyes and read the text which said Hey! OMG he said Hey. I quickly replied back saying Hi.

  Him: wyd.     

Me: nothing you?

 Him: just thinking

 Me: Dont we all..

Him: haha... well i was just wondering...

Me: Wondering what?

Him: maybe you would stay after school with me on monday i want to show you something.

Me: ummm sure ig what is it you want to show me?

Him: its gonna be a suprise.... byee!😏

Me: Bye.

We barely texted but hey he texted first... but what was it he wanted to show me? and why couldnt he show me during school hours?  

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