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Hello Lovely Reader!

Before you read the epilogue, I just wanted to thank you for reading my first official WattPad online published book. I'm really glad that some of you enjoyed it and I want to thank everyone who ever commented and voted. It's what kept me going when I sort of gave up on the book. Anyways, congrats on making it to the epilogue. It's been a very eventful ride with Lady Lila Addison and I am looking to writing a sequel starring Edward or Miranda. I have also started a one shot/short story book that you can read in the meantime. Vote, comment, tell your friends. Thanks again and enjoy!

Yours Truly,



Lila woke up a few days later to find herself in her own bed under her own covers. She turned her head to find her brother sleeping in a chair across of the room. In that moment he chose to stir awake and as the cloudiness of sleep cleared away he realized that his sister had finally awoken. “You’re awake!” Edward sprang out of the chair and shouted, running over to her bedside. “Lila, you’re awake!” Her brother got very emotional as he held her hand and pushed the hair away from her face. He was so afraid of losing his sister, his only kin and blood left. Lila smiled and pointed to the glass of water next to her bedside.

            Slowly Edward helped her in a sitting position and brought the glass closer to her lips, to allow her to drink. Within a few hours later, the doctor had come by to check on her and left her with a few medications to help ease her pain and avoid infection. Miranda as well as all of her friends had stopped by to visit.

            After Lila was finally able to return to her normal, healthy state, she began to go out for walks with her brother. She put up an ad for a lady’s maid but soon thought of Becky’s daughter in the country taking over the position and so took it back down. It was much safer that way. It had been weeks since the incident and since then, she hadn’t heard or seen the duke, not even on her long walks. Deciding that she needed a change, she went down to their country house for a week. The season was coming to an end and with that came the annual end of the season summer ball. Because it was the last function of the season she knew that she would be going. She hadn’t really been to any functions since her father’s death. The duke would be there. The thought of just seeing him again had warmness spread in her chest.

            The night of the ball, Madame Bleu had come over to help Lila with her dress. They had decided for a champagne floor length gown that accentuated her figure and complexion. One of the servant girls helped Lila with her hair as she put it in ringlets and held it up with pearl pins. As Lila slipped her shawl over her shoulders she heard the carriage arrive and with that she was off.

            The summer ball was colorful. The females were all wearing vibrant and elegant colors as well as the males. Edward requested the minuet dance with his sister and as soon as the dance was over, Lila caught sight of the duke standing off to the side staring at her. She felt a blush come over her under his heated gaze. “You’re blushing,” Edward whispered to his sister. Lila averted her gaze and looked to her brother and smiled. “I know and I can’t help it.” As she turned to steal a quick glance back, she caught sight of the duke now talking to the same young blonde female that she had seen with him a while before. Lila frowned and her brother caught on. “Do you want to leave?” Lila shook her head. She knew her brother was enjoying himself and didn’t want to ruin the night for him. “No, I think I’m going to get some fresh air. Excuse me.” With that, Lady Lila untangled herself from her brother’s arm and walked out onto the balcony.

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