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It was probably around two o'clock in the morning when Louis heard Harry get out of his bed. If Louis had the strength, he would've turned around to ask the younger boy what he was doing, but Louis was tired and didn't want to move. However, when he started to hear gagging noises coming from the bathroom, he slowly sat up and turned his head towards the bathroom. He placed his feet on the ground and began to the bathroom. Louis didn't even bother to knock and just opened the door. When he opened it, Louis was engulfed with the intense smell of stomach acid. He scrunched his nose up in distaste and tried his hardest to ignore the smell as he walked over to Harry who was hunched over the toilet. Harry seemed embarrassed by Louis' presence and quickly straightened up, looking as if he was going to play it off cool. However, Louis noticed how Harry's eyes unfocused and he became dizzy.

"Kneel back down, love," Louis said soothingly, gently pushing Harry's shoulders so he was facing the toilet bowl again. Harry let out a groan in response but Louis just twirled his fingers around Harry's curls. Once Harry's stomach churned again and was gripping the sides of the porcelain bowl, Louis began to rub Harry's back soothingly. This continued for a while until Harry eventually stopped. Louis then made him brush his teeth while he grabbed the trash can and placed it beside Harry's bed. Once Louis was sure Harry was tucked comfortably in the bed, he walked over to where he had his phone plugged in and walked back to Harry's bed. Louis skillfully climbed over Harry's laying figure and positioned himself beside the confused boy.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, frowning at the older boy who was fixing his fringe.

"I'm making sure you're okay," Louis responded, gently pushing Harry's chest so he would lie down.

"But—But I'm fine—"

Louis shrugged, "I don't care. Besides, I always stayed with my mum when she was sick, I don't plan on breaking tradition."

"Your mum got sick a lot?" Harry asked, tilting his head to the side in a way Louis would describe as cute.

"She's been pregnant two times, and she always got morning sickness and I was always there until she was feeling better. She's pregnant now too, so this is almost like practice."

"Oh, okay," Harry nodded slowly, not really getting it but it didn't really matter. Louis was babying him; he didn't know why he was questioning him. Harry's night continued with him throwing up whatever he had left in his stomach into a trash can. To make matters worse, Louis was right beside him. Who wants their crush to see them vomiting unattractively into a plastic bin? However, Louis didn't seem to mind and always rubbed Harry's back through it and would play with Harry's hair until he fell asleep again. Harry even got Louis to rub his tummy which was nice.

When Harry woke up the next morning, he felt gross and disgusting. His hair felt greasy and he knew he was pale. He still felt nauseous too, which didn't help. But Louis was there for him. He had walked to the nurse and told her how Harry was sick and wouldn't be participating in camp along with himself because he would be taking care of him. He also brought Harry a small breakfast from the cafeteria, though Harry didn't eat it because he still felt sick. 

Louis didn't leave Harry's side all day. He was constantly asking him if he was okay or if he needed water and Harry liked that. He liked feeling wanted by Louis. Harry had stayed in bed all day and let Louis pamper him. It was nice, really nice, and Harry hated how by the next day he would be fine.

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