Chapter 2

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My belongings were packed and I was ready to head for a remote area where I could complete my school life. When I was about to board the flight I got the news that two girls from those families were still alive. Suzy and Kia. Both of them were of my own age. Kia had a baby like face. Suzy was much like myself but had very long hairs. I didn't knew what to say to them so Andy said that he would handle the matter himself. I suggested that we should give them the life they want because their families were destroyed because of us only.

After a short drive from the airport I reached a barely known city. Andy had bought a house for me in the posh area. He wouldn't be able to visit me because if he came here then he might draw the attention of Itish and his agents. Never had I been this lonely in my life. My contacts with Andy, Mark and my two new friends were from the mobile only. I had to help Andy in the background along with my studies. The company had just got a big deal and we don't want to lose it at such a weak condition of our company. I will have to work with my designs.

The house was nice. I checked it for bugs or spying devices but there was nothing. I placed all my professional stuff that I use for hacking, designing and many other things. That would be my den for the next few months. I needed to unpack within an hour. I needed a little rest before I can start a new life. Probably better than I had till now. I don't wanted to cry over my parents. I want to just forget that chapter of my life. Well, we look what the school would be like.

Next morning I woke up early because I had to keep up my training. I went for a small run. It was early from what people normally wake up for a morning walk but I like to be alone. I came home after some time and headed for a shower. I pulled out my black top and a black jeans. I loved everything black and the same was for my shoes. I brushed through my short hairs which carried a Chinese style.  I didn't missed my real face even a bit. It would be a great experience to attend the school without the attention of boys.

I drove my Volkswagen. I was in the science field and I would be taking biology classes along with many others. The building was very huge. I went to the class. The teacher was already there. I liked to break the rules but this time it was just because I got late because of the exercises. Everyone was staring at me but I was used to it. I grabbed a seat. We were free for the moment as the class had time to begin. 

"Hey! What's your name?" A girl with brown hair and chocolate eyes asked. She seemed familiar although I had never met her before.

" Hello, I am Akira, what about you?" 

" I am Sara, shall I tell you about everyone here?"

" Of course, why not."

" Well, this is Park." She said pointing to a middle size girl.

" She is my best friend. Then one there is a science nerd and even good at sports. He is Chris. That one is Jack and he is a very good at designing. That one his Hardy, he is the kind on which girls go flat. And that's Von, the last member of the group of three."

" So, what's the thing that the class enjoy doing the most?"

" We all like to escape and play during study hours. But there is still one teacher whom we fear. He is like a monster."

 " Who's that?"

"The biology teacher." She replied.

" We will see it later. So I guess you play indoor sports since there are two teachers who look out door students who escape from classes."

" Yeah, we play tennis. The field is walled and there are two doors. I guess you also like to do so." 

" Yeah, I do. I have my own plans and they take time to bring them in effect. I like doing things in my own way."

" So, now are we a group of six, including you. But I tell you one thing, we kind of don't hang out with students belonging to other subjects. That's what make us different. I hope that you will be the same as us." 

" I agree with that."

Before we could have talked any more, the teacher had already started the class and we were snapped back to reality. The class was united which I liked. After the class was over we walked for the next one. Telling you about my plan, it's very different. First I win the trust of all the teachers so that they would never doubt that I could skip class without any important reason. It took time but the results were always in favour. 

The major information that I got hold of was Hardy's ex-girlfriend, Vivienne. She studies accounts. They broke up as Hardy was in science. Some of the girls were excited because he was in the market again but he had intrest in no one. It didn't bothered me because I had never liked boys or had a feeling for them. I was not a normal girl because they always fall for one or other but I had never.

Time went by and I was a accepted member of their pack. We enjoyed skipping classes and we often hanged out after the school. 

It was Hardy's birthday. That was the first time I encountered Vivienne. She was a major bully. She and her boyfriend who was our senior. She showed off over how she was living even if she was an orphan. She had guardians and there was nothing like struggle. I knew that I won't be able to finish the school without picking a fight with her.

We escaped from the class and it was first time anyone was skipping biology class. I don't know why but something seemed off. Sara was also not coming along with her sister, San. They were twins. There were just five of us.

We escaped without notice through the corridor and after a few minutes we were playing happily in the court. That was the first time we got caught. The teachers came from both the doors. That day we were very sad. I don't know why but I felt that it was Sara who was behind all of this. 

We talked about this issue. We followed her after the school. And there was the reason. She was with Vivienne. Hardy had once told that she was trying to make him pay back. 

" That wasn't supposed to happen." Hardy said.

" We will find a way soon to get over with that. But till then we will have to watch our back."

" Fine. Now I think we should we leave. Mom will be very  angry with me for skipping from tution as well. I should get going." 

Hardy and his friends went. I needed to check out on Sara. I went home after that. I knew she wasn't just a innocent person. She was more then what we knew. Maybe she also not knew who she really was. I hacked through several black servers and my mind went blank after the result showed up on the screen.

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