Not too much time has passed when I saw lights shinning.

A tear of happiness rolled down my cheeks seeing road.

There will be someone who can help me surely!!

With this thought in my mind I took a step which stopped in mid air when I felt two strong arms encircling around my waist.

A scream left my mouth.

I was soon pulled up from floor by holding me by waist.

I started crying and screaming.

"Where you thought you will go? Han?"
I heard a familiar voice.

It was HIS voice. My kidnapper's!!

"Please.. Mujhy.. Jany dyn.."
I said crying.

"How? How can i eave you now?"

He threw me on his broad shoulders and started walking.
I was applying punches on his back from which he seemed unaffected.

Soon we reached back to that jail.

To that cage...

He threw me on bed...

I quickly ran to the other side of the bed.

He locked the door.

"Now who will save you?"

He said coming in my direction.
I stood on bed and jumped on other direction.

"I have warned you. Didn't I?"

I was crying heavily.

I was standing on floor.

He stepped on bed and I ran to the other side.

He again tried to approach me but I again dodged him.

This continued until he held the corner of my frock.

I tried to ran but he caught me.
I screamed.

"Now now now! Enough of the game for today kid. Its time to be adult."

He threw me on bed and before I can run he hovered over me.

His eyes were full of rage.
He held my both arms on each side of my head.

I started crying heavily.

"Please..don't..!!!! Hiccup.. Sorryyy!! Please don't touch!!"
My vision blurred and I closed my eyes.

I want to die!! Die this instance!!
I don't want any non-mehram to touch me.

Suddenly his hot breath stopped fanning my face.

I opened my eyes and looked at him who was now looking at me as if examining my face.

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