As Jimin managed to make the Rogue get away from the warrior, Yoongi blinked his shock away and let out a breath he knowingly held from the fear.

The warrior was truly impressed when Jimin managed to use the proper form to attack and defend himself against a skilled Rogue. But the fear and hesitation were obvious from Jimin's stance, and that made Yoongi snap out from his trance. He needed to act quick and not let a civilian, specifically a mere stable boy who is an inexperienced Human, handle a very dangerous situation with no less a dangerous weapon on hand.

Yoongi finally got the knife out after he got the courage to look away from Jimin fighting against a Rogue. He growled at the pesky blade that him into this mess and getting Jimin involved as he stood up in a rush.

With the Demon's superspeed, Yoongi got in between Jimin and the Rogue just after the Human seemed to dodge a lunged aimed at his side. Taking advantage of this, Yoongi quickly gripped the Rogue's arm, pushed his knee up while pushing the arm down on it to break it.

The Rogue screamed and let go of his sword then with a twist of Yoongi's body that had his back in front of the Rogue, Yoongi used his other hand that was holding the dagger and moved the blade pass his side in a second.

After Yoongi successfully stabbed the Rogue, he pushed the Rogue away from so he can completely turn around to make sure that the Rogue is as good as dead.

Huffing and trying to get the adrenaline to subside since there seemed to be no more danger around the premise Yoongi was at, the warrior hissed at the pain in his arm then stepped back to see if Jimin is alright.

"Yah, are you okay Park-What the hell?"

Yoongi breathed out and looked around for Jimin but found the Human to be gone from his sight.

"Aish. Did that Human seriously just leave?"

Yoongi huffed and saw only his sword on the ground. The Demon sighed and picked up his sword.

When Yoongi was about to place it back in its scabbard if not for the odd texture on the hilt of his sword. He proceeded to put it back first thought then looked down at it. The dark blue color of the hilt seemed a bit off so he looked at his hand afterwards.

Yoongi's concern grew for Jimin when he saw his hand is now faintly stained in blood. He realized that the stable boy got hurt in attempting to fend off the Rogue. There's no need to think about it since logically, only Jimin held his sword before the battle ended.

"Damn it," Yoongi cursed and went back to the town's circle to see if Jimin went there.


Kim Seokjin called out to him while the medic made his way towards the warrior.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jin asked with the utmost urgency to do his duties as a medic.

"Just here, hyung," Yoongi answered and showed him his bleeding arm.

"Take a seat. It will be easier for me to get that healed," Jin led the Demon to some crates and made him sit there.

Jin proceeded to check up on Yoongi's wound and proceeded to pour some medicine on it while applying magic for the process to be faster and effective.

While Jin did his business, Yoongi looked over Jin's shoulder to see if he can locate Jimin in the crowd. But all he saw were warriors tending to the injured and frightened towns people while the others moved the bodies of Rogues out of sight.

"You seem out of it," Jin chatted as he now wrapped a bandage around the wound that was reduced to fresh yet still painful closed wound.

"You didn't hit your head, did you?"

Fallen in Time (OLD VERSION - Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя