19: The Most Powerful Creatures

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"And We need your help" Jisoo said

"Yeah... We all know that you are the most powerful creatures in this world" Jihyo said


"Why are you looking at my friend?" Seulgi raised her one eyebrow to the guy

"I---umm... I was just---" Rosé cut Jimin's sentence

"Oh come on Seulgi, it doesn't have any meanings" Rosé said and Seulgi pull her wrist before they turn their back to them

"Do you like him?" Seulgi mumbled

"W-what? No, He's just nice and handsome----"

"So you like him?" Seulgi crossed her arms and the girl pouted

"Okay fine, I like him... Are you mad?" Rosé sigh and Seulgi gasp

"Are you kidding me?! I mean... Finally! You already like someone and I'm happy for you" Seulgi said and jump excitedly before she hugs Rosé

"Wait I thought you were mad----"

"Oh come on, I was just joking" she chuckle and Rosé smile

"But... Don't tell everyone" Rosé said and Seulgi nodded "promise"

They turn their heads to Jimin and his friends

"Umm... Can we know what are you talking about?" Mina ask

"Well yes, Jimin right?" Seulgi ask and Jimin nodded "I think Rosé have something to tell you" She smirk at Rosé


"Go on Rosé" Seulgi wink

"What are you gonna say?" Jimin ask and Rosé suddenly blush

"But you promised that you won't tell everybody" she whispered at Seulgi

"I know that's why, YOU are the one who should tell him and besides his your everything" Seulgi tease


"You'll do it or you want me to get mad at you?" Seulgi raised her one eyebrow

"Okay but just him"


Rosé sigh before walking towards Jimin who was now red as a tomato

"I--- umm... I have something to tell you" she said shyly

"What is it?"

Rosé sigh before pulling his wrist and walking away

"I-I... Like you" Jimin froze for what she said as if... He was speechless

"You l-like me?" He looked at her eyes and the girl nodded shyly

"I-I know it's embarrassing cause it's impossible that you like me too----" she flinch when the boy suddenly hugged her

"I love you too" Jimin said and her eyes widened before she hugs him back

"I-I didn't expected this" she mumbled before smiling


"Taehyung, What do you think Yerin would do all of this... Is she really that bad person?" Jennie ask as the 14 of them keep on walking at the forest

"Well... Maybe she has a reason and we don't know about it... I guess"


There was a silence and only the sound of the wind you can hear

"Wait..." Jihyo stopped them

"What is it Jihyo?" Mina ask

"The wind is saying something" She said

"What do you mean?"

Jihyo roamed her eyes around before her eyes widened "Get ready someone's com----"

"Oh hi creatures"


"What a pleasure surprise" Yerin smirk before crossing her arms "Oh Taehyung, Finally I saw you... Now... I'll get you back" she smirk

"Wait how did yo-----"

"Stop asking stupid questions because I don't want to answer it anyway" she rolled her eyes "Now come here Taehyung, or I'll going to hurt that ugly girl beside you"

"Why would I listen to you?" Taehyung scolded

"Because..." She pointed the sword at Jennie "I'm going to kill her"

"Don't you dare!"

On the other hand... Rosé teleported to Yerin's back that no one noticed, she then tapped Yerin's shoulder and Yerin gladly turn her head to the girl


"Who are yo----" she received a punch to her face so she let go of her sword

"Oww!" She hissed in pain while trying to get up on the ground, she tried to get her sword but Momo get it first

"Come on show your powers, let's fight" Jisoo said

"My powers..." Yerin mumbled to herself before she put her hands on her chest

"Why? You afraid?" Lisa smirk

"I'm not afraid you bitch!" Yerin stands

"And why are you thinking of something?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I can read your mind darling!"

"Whatever you're doing... Stop it! Your so annoying!"

"I wonder why she's not fighting us..." Jennie mumbled "and why is she holding her chest... As if she forgot something"

"Your lucky today, but don't expect that if we'll meet again I'm not going to fight you... I'm going to get Taehyung from you and I will make your life a living hell! Argh!" Yerin pointed at them before teleporting

"Weird" Jennie mumbled

"You've got to be kidding me!" Lisa said

"We have to follow that evil lady! We can't just let her go! She think that we are afraid to fight her?!" Momo rolled her eyes

"Yeah right, She killed Sana! She needs to teach a lesson!" Mina scolded

"Okay calm down guys, this isn't the right way----" before Rose can finish her sentence Mina cut her off

"If you don't want to fight her... Then I'm the one who should do it!" She said before teleporting

"Wait----- oh no! We have to go with her!" Jihyo worriedly spoke she then teleported to follow Mina

"Come on" Jisoo said and they all teleported


Hiiiiiii!!!!!!🤗 Oh my my my, I'm sorry if my update was slow... I was just lazy, sorry Taennie shippers! Please forgive me☺️

Enchanted World | TAENNIE ✔︎ | Fantasy AU | RomtasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora