She still couldn't believe that they had sex and it was nothing short of amazing, man that body, she wouldn't complain if she got to see it one more time but it was ridiculous, she had lied and she was a thousand percent sure that if Jisoo found out the truth she wouldn't want anything with her.

"Stop thinking about her boobs." She gasped and turned to find her cousin smirking at her. "I admit they were pretty good, awesome even, but you gonna burn our breakfast." She pointed at the eggs in the pan.

Rosé turned back to turn off the stove and to put the eggs in some plates. "So, you and Jennie." She said when she sat on the couch next to Lisa mainly to just change topics.

Lisa nodded. "Me and Jennie... You and Jisoo?" Rosé hummed— okay, it didn't work —. "Pretty crazy night, huh?"

"Crazy and amazing." Rosé said with a smile.

"You think you'll see her again?"

Rosé shrugged. "I don't know, we don't run in the same circles after all. Thanks for last night by the way."

"But you never know what could happen though. No problem Rosie, anything for you."

"Yeah, but whatever let's not talk about it and let's eat 'cause cold eggs taste awful." Lisa smiled at her and dug into her eggs, she (just like Rosé) didn't want to talk about their night anymore. Sure, she had an amazing time with Jennie, but as Rosé said, they run in different circles.

A month and a half passed by, Lisa and Rosé went back to their busy schedules and crappy life... Going to work, going to school, eating, sleeping and repeat the next day. They never talked about the party or well they did but just the party in general, never about the girls they met, it was a classified topic for them. Lisa never asked Rosé about Jisoo and in turn Rosé never asked about Jennie. They managed to get Bambam's car the day after it was towed and they only had to pay 150 bucks since Rosé knew the guy running the tow company— he always stopped by Rosé's work to get a coffee —she was going to have to give some free coffees but that was better than paying more than 300 bucks.

"I want a tall extra hot, no foam, pumpkin spice latte."

"Coming right up!" Rosé closed the book and her notebook where she was taking notes and went to the coffee machine to prepare the order. "Here, that'll be $4.50 please."

"Rosé?!" Rosé's eyes popped out of her sockets when she saw black hair and brown eyes in front of her, the girl started laughing out loud. "What the hell are you doing with that uniform and working at this horrible place, I thought your parents were rich."

"Uh...Ye-Yeah they uh, they are. Just um, uh I just don't like to take their money you know. Independent thing and all that."

Jennie nodded. "Yeah, no. I couldn't do that, I rather use my daddy's money. Oh here, keep the change." She placed a five-dollar bill on the counter and walked to the door of the shop 'fucking cheapskate' Rosé thought, the girl (her dad) has billions and that's her tip!. Before reaching the door though, she turned around and walked back to Rosé. "Um, can I have Lisa's number? I kinda want to talk to her."

"Well, uh.." She cleared her throat. "I don't think she'll like it if I do, but you can give me your number and I'll tell her to call you."

Jennie pursed her lips in thought. "Ugh, whatever. Here." She took a piece of paper out of her bag and jotted her number handing it to Rosé. "Tell her to call."

"Will do."

With one last look at Rosé, she walked out of the store.

"Rosie I'm at work."

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