Chapter 6- TV and a 'Fight'

Start from the beginning

~An Alley In Queens- Early Morning- Two Days Later~

Peter woke up shivering in an alley, it was colder than usual, which was hardly helped by his 'Spider side' that made him more sensitive to the cold.

'Great,' He thought, as he groggily straightened himself up, 'Just great,'

It had been two days since the teen had fought Captain America, and he was hardly in good condition. He hadn't eaten anything since that night and he'd had several panic attacks the next day, to make things even better, that night on patrol, a couple bullet's had grazed his shoulder- yet another thing for him to heal without food.

Needless to say, Peter was far from happy. He was starving, in pain and freezing, the teen always tried to stay just a bit positive, or at least not feel completely miserable, but it was just one of the days where he couldn't even try to do so, he just couldn't.

Sighing, he propped himself further up the grimy wall and looked at the building to his left, by the looks of it, it was early morning. He tried to look on the bright side and admire the city, but he was just too miserable and too tired, he quickly began to slip back into unconsciousness, his body was too drained to even stay awake, it just wanted to focus on the basic necessities- not dying, that was about it.

But, the world decided that Peter couldn't rest yet. Just as he began to be completely engulfed by darkness, his Spidey-Sense went off in the back of his head.


It was urgent, ridiculously urgent, he had to be in serious trouble. So, he jolted up, ignoring his bodies want to shut down as he whipped around. Pure fear filled his chocolate eyes as he saw who it was.


Not only was Flash there, but he was looking at him, glaring at him, a sinister smirk growing on his face as he approached the young teen, cracking his knuckles.

'No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Peter could see Flash's lips moving, but he was too panicked to work out what the bully was saying.

The teen tried to scramble to his feet, but he only succeeded in backing further into the wall and made a tangle of his limbs. His Spidey-Sense was screaming in his head, making him want to grab his head and pull out his hair, but he couldn't, he didn't want to move anymore, in fear of the bully.

The teen screwed his eyes tight, his body tightly backed up against the wall, trying to convince himself that Flash would vanish, he'd leave him alone, he'd be f---


Peter suddenly felt a horrible pain strike his chest, but it didn't stop, it carried on. Flash carried on kicking the boy's chest, smirking more and more as the boy winced from the cracks he felt.

The secret-vigilante gasped in relief when he felt the kicks stop, ignoring the blood trickling down his body in favour of beginning to breathe in deeply, trying to relax himself.

He whimpered in pain when he was grabbed by his hoodie's collar, yanked upward from a broken heap to be face to face with the bully.

He felt a sting against his cheek, Flash was slapping him, again and again, his Spidey-Sense told him that Flash was shouting, so he slowly opened his eyes, trying to somehow plead the bully to stop.

Seeing the boy open his eyes, Flash stopped slapping him and began to talk with his mouth level to his victim's fear-filled eyes.

"Worthless, you're worthless, Penis Parker. Pathetic. Worthless, you're worthless, Penis Parker. Pathetic. Worthless, you're worthless, Pe—" He repeated the same words over and over again, making sure that his victim could work out what he was saying.

Peter whimpered, clearly seeing what the other boy was saying and believing every word, agreeing with every word. He nodded painfully, tears streaming down his face from the pain, both emotional and physical.

Flash smirked at the boy's obvious hurt, he stopped talking when he saw the homeless teen screw up his face and close his eyes trying to stop the tears from falling even further.

The bully raised his fist and punched his victim with all of his strength, he heard a satisfying crack and threw the boy down to the ground in a heap. Cackling as he left the boy behind him in favour of school.

Peter lay there looking like a broken rag doll, bleeding in the dirty alley as tears streamed down his wincing, bloodied face.

Memories came flooding back into his head, memories he tried to get rid of but never could, the teens breathing became shallower and shallower as he bled and cried.

He stayed there for minutes that felt like hours, he had never felt so awful in his life. Eventually, he passed out next to a bin in the alley, his body completely giving up on him, trying to use the last of his energy to heal himself, even just a little bit.

No one in Queens noticed the teen, if they did, they ignored him, no one came near the secret-hero all day. It was understandable, not many would approach a bloodied mess of limbs heaped next to a bin in a back alley of New York. So, the teen was left to heal in peace.

That was until...


His Spidey-Sense yelled in the back of his head, waking him up with a painful jolt.

The teen winced as he slowly tried to sit up, his body still hurt like Hell. It was as if it was slowly giving up, and Peter didn't blame it.

He pushed those thoughts away when his Spidey-Sense shrieked even louder.


He quickly stood up, adrenaline starting to fill his body, numbing the pain. His nose wrinkled, something didn't smell right, and it wasn't blood. He turned around, following the smell, then he saw it.


Lots of it.

That could only mean one thing.

Fire, lots of it.

He panicked silently in his head as he ripped off his sweatshirt, revealing his suit. The teen pulled the mask over his head and began to swing, following the smoke.

Every movement hurt, but he didn't care, the adrenaline was numbing it more and more every second and he couldn't care less about his well-being- he was more worried about the civilians.

'C'mon, Pete,' He thought to himself as he swung through the city, leaving all of his thoughts and cares about himself in the alley behind him...

A/N: Hia! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, sorry I left it on a bit of a cliffhanger, but, the next chapter should be up soon!
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(Shameless self promo) Follow me on insta @thatmarvellousgeek, I post tons of Marvel related stuff and would really appreciate it! AND, I'm starting up a one-shot book soon! So, look out for that!

Have a Marvellous day my Geeky Peeps and do something to make Natasha Romanoff and Peggy Carter proud!

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