Chapter 4

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"Oh my god! I can't believe it!!" She laughed and danced around happily.

"Oh good for you, Iva, or whatever your name is...please leave." He looked scared and he wanted her out, it was final, she was a weirdo and he didn't want to have anything to do with her.

"My name is not Iva... or maybe it is." She giggled. "Aaaaa!" She shouted excitedly.

Sound of something grumbling interrupted her happy dance, it grumbled again, her stomach, "Ah! I'm so hungry!" She sighed as she patted her grumbling stomach. She then slowly tugged a lock of hair behind her ear and looked at him with hopeful eyes. The guy sighed in defeat.


"Thank you for the food!" She shouted as she spotted the hot noodles bowl placed in front of her. She took out the fork and dug in. "Ow, it's hot!" She fanned her burning mouth.

"Slow down will you?" His face cringed.

"But I'm so hungry!" She tried to speak with the noodles in her mouth. "Tch, hot! Water!" She took the glass beside her.

He shook his head as he clicked his tongue finding her hopeless. 

"I was so shocked by the fact that I'm inside my own novel, I forgot that I haven't had anything since the day I came into this world." She wiped the bowl clean and rubbed her tummy satisfied. "I was so hungry that I didn't even have a chance to complain about this food-" She smiled nodding.

"Excuse me? You're complaining after gobbling it all up? Be glad I even offered you that, you should be thanking for the free food rather than complaining." He glared at her.

"First let me complete my sentence, nevertheless the food was yummy, I enjoyed it. Thank you very much for your kind deed." She joined her hands and bowed to him. "And about the free food, I'm the author so I'll return this favor by making you rich, I can promote your character from book store owner to an owner of a publishing house." She smiled widely. "But I don't remember creating you." She frowned. "But yes, I can make you rich."

"No thank you. You don't need to return anything instead just do one thing, get the hell out of here and never appear in front of me again, I don't want to have anything to do with you." He grabbed both her shoulders from behind, pushing her until she was out of his store, "It was so not nice meeting you, hope to never see you again. Bye." He shut the door right on her face.

"Not again!" She glared at the closed door in front of her. "Fine, even I don't want to see you again." She shouted. "This mannerless jerk! You just don't deserve to be promoted, just stuck being a minor character. Idiot!" She rolled her eyes.

"Leaving him aside, now my exciting life as Iva begins, Reece, here I come." She smiled to herself and returned home, dancing along the way.

Reaching home, she searched the entire house again, "Where's Iva's wallet? I mean my wallet?" She scanned every corner, "I must have hidden the cash somewhere." She checked, knocking on the floor for any hidden spaces, finally, she found a hidden drawer with hidden cash.

"Finally, I don't have to sleep on an empty stomach." She sighed with relief.

"Now what's next? Ah, yes, meeting Reece again in a car accident and getting a job in his company, hmm... let's see, I was kicked out of my office and I have to go job-hunting, hmm... the newspaper must be somewhere around....ah! gotcha!" She picked it up and scanned the page. "Here it is." She smiled to herself, "Now let' get the CV prepared and my computer," She searched, "there it is. Now mailing my CV. Should I only send it to RC or all other companies as well?" She thought for a minute. "Nah! Just send it to his company only." She then browsed the website but there was no vacancy announcement. "Heh?" She frowned. "Why not?" She scratched her head, "Is it not the time yet?"

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