"Already on it." Carmen typed on her phone.

"What are you all standing around for! Let's go!" Virginia yelled. Her and Lola took Mariana and Mapi grabbed the bag.

"Totally ready for this huh Mapi?" I smirked.

"Shut up, Ale. Wait till you two do this." Mapi walked out.

Jenni looked at me. "We need to tell them."

"Shut up and go start the car." I tossed her the keys. I locked their door and we got in the car.

Jenni's POV:

We called Mariana and Mapi's parents in the car. We park and then went to the room. I opened the door and saw Mariana on the bed. Mapi was sitting with her running her hand through Mariana's hair. 

"Mapi your parents will be here soon. Mariana your mom said your dad is trying to get off work, but she'll be here in the morning." I said.

"Thanks, Jenni." Mapi smiled. Mariana squeezed her hand. "I'm right here." Mapi whispered to her. "We got this."

We all sat around and waited. We ended up falling asleep. I woke up when I heard Mapi leave and saw Vir sitting with Mariana. "She ok?" I mumbled.

"I'm feeling it." Mariana said closing her eyes. 

"What happened?" Alexia woke up.

"I'm in labor. What do you mean what happened? This shit hurts!" Mariana said. 

"We're never having kids." Lola said.

"You can have kids without having to give birth yourself." Alexia said. I nodded. 

"You are 100% correct." Lola smiled. "However then we'd have to raise a child."

"True, Lola can barely raise herself." Carmen smirked.

Mariana laughed. "No roasting Lola when I can't focus hard enough to join in." 

"Fine." Lola sighed. "After the baby is born I allow you one roast."

"I don't need your permission." Mariana said laying her head back. "Fuck." I got up. 

She squeezed Virginia's hand. "She hurts." Vir said in a high pitched voice.

"It can't be that bad." Lola walked over and grabbed her other hand. She waited. She continued to wait until. "That fucking hurts!" She screamed.

"I'll show you true pain." Mariana glared at her.

"Ok. Let's just back away." Alexia led Lola away. "Mariana might kill someone and honestly, I'm not protecting any of you." Alexia sat back down with Lola and Carmen. I stood near Mariana's bed. 

The door opened and Mapi came back. "Thank god!" Mariana said.

"I found your mother." She smiled.


"Oh, my baby girl. How is it?"

"It hurts."

"I know. Wait till it's time to push."

"Fuck." Mariana closed her eyes. The door opened again and Nahikari walked in with Gabriel.

"Mariana!" He smiled.

"Hey, kid."

"Alexia!" He ran to her and sat on her lap.

"I love being a favorite." She smiled. I laughed. 

"They gave us a private waiting room." Mapi said. "So when it IS time to push, you can all get the beep out."

"Why'd you say beep?" I asked.

"I'm not swearing in front of my mother in law and nephew." Mapi said. 

"Mariana just said fuck." Lola pointed at her. 

"I'm in labor! There are no rules for me." 

"Lola has to pay!" Gabriel said. "She swore!"

Lola turned and glared at him. "Lola stop he's a child." Carmen grabbed her. 

We all sat around and talked. Then the doctor came in. "Ok." The doctor said. "Um, can everyone leave the room please."

"What's wrong?" Mapi asked.

"Everyone please."

"No." Mariana grabbed her hand. "Mapi."

"It's ok. I'm staying." Mapi said.

"What's wrong?" Alexia asked. The nurse brought us outside. I looked at the door. "Jenni." Alexia reached for my hand. I took it and held her. 

"She'll be ok, Ale." I kissed the top of her head. "It will all be ok." 

Alexia's POV:

They took Mariana out of the room for the cesarean. We sat and waited. 

Jenni held my hand the whole time. I saw Nahikari calm Virginia down. Carmen rubbed Lola's back. Gabriel looked around.

"Hey." I whispered. "Come here." I opened my arms. He ran and I sat him on my lap.

"I'm worried about Mariana." He whispered.

"I am too." I said. "But Mariana is really strong, and so is the baby. And the doctors here are really good, they'll take great care of her." He nodded. 

"Can you tell me about how you and Mariana met?"

I laughed. "Sure." 

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