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for a few days, they still haven't got a lead. "argh! when do we get a lead on this?" zhao yunlan groans as he slams the files on the table. "oh wow look you're hand is healed." lin jing smirked. "wait, you don't even have a first aid kit at home, chief zhao." da qing says as he continues to type on his desktop. he paused for a while then the whole SID just looks at zhao yunlan "so who replaced the bandage and kept your wound clean?" da qing turned away from the screen and looked at zhao yunlan. zhao yunlan laughed nervously. "can't answer chief?" lao chu smirked. 

da qing is still anticipating for an answer. "zhao yunlan, who changed your bandages?" zhu hong quickly asked. "it's shen wei." he replied. "are you flirting with him?" xiao guo says. everyone then laughs at zhao yunlan. "lin jing, what did you teach this kid?" zhao yunlan says as he plops on the couch. "nothing!" he laughed. "i'm cutting your bonus." he growled. "but why would he loose his memory after being reincarnated?" da qing asked. "da qing, you loose your memory as well." zhu hong says. "of course i'm a cat dumbass." he said.

"was there not any complications in the past?" lao chu asked "i don't know." zhao yunlan says as he places a lollipop in his mouth. "maybe that's just amnesia." wang zheng said. "you know probably he just got a trauma." wang zheng continued as she organizes her files. "what if you can't really bring him back?" xiao guo asked "hey kid, don't say that. of course zhao yunlan can bring back professor shen's memories." lao chu said. 

the landline suddenly rang and wang zheng responded quickly. after the quick call she hung up already. "new case at the park." she said. "oh shit what happened now?" zhao yunlan rolled his eyes and chew on the lollipop causing it to break and devour in his mouth. "come on let's go." he said then stood up.


minutes into the crime scene, lin jing who was doing the forensic science, approached zhao yunlan with the weapon on his hand "same fingerprints. as you can see, the civilian clearly killed himself after a massive attack on the others." he explained. "it's just the same thing that happened at the university." zhu hong added. "can we check the cctv?" zhao yunlan asked  the park manager. he politely agreed and they went to the part where the cctv footage are placed. 

while observing the cctv da qing stopped at a certain scene. a man with a black hoodie whispered something to an unknown civilian and he handed the weapon then he goes crazy and kills a maximum of six people then himself. "is he the same person in the university tho?" lao chu asked. "maybe. maybe not." zhao yunlan replied. "then let's check the cctv footage at the university." xiao guo suggested. "again? isn't it weird that i'm meeting shen wei multiple times." zhao yunlan replied. "you've been doing that a lot even in the past." zhu hong said. 

the squad slightly got irritated when zhao yunlan didn't want to go to the university. "come on let's just go there now." da qing said as they walked their way in the park. "you scared ass let's just go." lao chu commanded. then they followed lao chu's words and headed to the university. "you're all gonna pay for this!" zhao yunlan shouted as they left him behind "you're gonna thank us for this!" zhu hong replied and they all laughed.


once they reached the university, the hall was crowded as usual. they were able to access the security room. while the squad walked ahead zhu hong walked beside zhao yunlan. "looks like they're on break." zhu hong said as she glances at the students "yeah.." zhao yunlan said softly "are you looking for shen wei?" she asked. zhao yunlan suddenly blushed "ha no." he smiled nervously. "don't be shy, proceed to his classroom. i'll let you know what happened with the footage." zhu hong smiled as they stopped walking. "you sure?" he asked. zhu hong nodded "o-okay." he replied.

zhu hong went ahead already. zhao yunlan then saw shen wei fixing his books. he knocked on the open door. "ah chief zhao." shen wei said and smiled after fixing his books. "done with your lecture?" he asked. shen wei nodded in response. zhao yunlan came inside the classroom and sat on the chair. "your hand is already healed." shen wei said "oh yeah thanks to your help." zhao yunlan smiled back. "let me see." shen wei said and approached zhao yunlan. he then held zhao yunlan's healed hand.

he felt like his heart was going to explode once shen wei touched his hand. "looks good." he smiled and let go of his hand. "what are you doing here anyways?" he asked "oh, we just need to check some surveillance footage since the same thing happened in the park." zhao yunlan responded. "still no lead?" shen wei continued "nah." zhao yunlan frowned. after a while zhao yunlan felt his phone vibrate. he places it out and checks his messages.

zhu hong
same person on the footage

da qing
it's mostly a dixing-ian. whenever this person has in contact with anyone he can manipulate them.

lin jing
lmao y are we chatting even though we're in one room

lao chu
cuz zhao yunlan is on a date

zhao yunlan
stfu. i'll go there now.

after that he closes his phone. "you should go back to work." shen wei says. zhao yunlan frowns. he is really disappointed since he doesn't have time for shen wei. "yea i should." he says and stood up. "so, see you around?" zhao yunlan flashes a smile. "yes. see you around then." shen wei smiled back then zhao yunlan exited the classroom.


"i think you're about to get caught." the man says "fine then send someone in next." the young boy replied. "oh i will.. anyways thanks for wiping out some of the people." the man smirked. "my pleasure boss. now the money?" he reaches his hand out.

the man in the suit gets a suitcase of money "here you go mister. after all of this we can plant the drugs." he smirked. 

"bring in the next weapon."

make you mine ; shen wei x zhao yunlanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora