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Marial didint felt well so she called stella to tell the director she will not go to work today,hey marial said stella "stella I'm not feeling well could you tell David to please forgive me but I won't make it today" "what's wrong sweetie "said stella "I'm of that time of the month and my stomach hurts so much ","aww honey I'll tell him get rest I'll check on you later"," you are the best stella love you ,","love you to bye "said stella.marial got up of bed looking for an aspiren and called kaia to get her company she was on her way she didint texted to timmy she didint want to him skip job he was that type of boyfriend the one who'll always will be with you even if he sacrificed things.
"Hey "said timmy as he arrived to the set greeting everyone,lily was there she didint saw marial she's always late but something in her heart told her she wouldn't make it today perfect timing to get to timmy,timmy was searching for marial so he texted "her mon ange where are you,are you ok are you gonna come?"he was worried he got a reply "yes I'm okay I'll not make it today because I'm on girl problems but I'm okay she replied,","mon ange do you want me to come ? ","No timmy,I don't want you to get in trouble for me but you are so sweet ","I'll miss you today "said timmy "get better mon ange "and he putted his phone down he wanted to go to marials but maybe she wanted to be alone he'll surprise her later his thoughts were interrupted when a female voice said "Timothée hi "it was lily "you look good today "she said ,"thank you lily" he said not knowing what to say "green is really your color" she said flirty "it matches your eyes "timmy didn't knew where these was leading so he said "lily you shouldn't be saying that stuff "laughing nervously politely "why you don't acept compliments "she said in her best French accent to impress timmy,"well yeah "but timmy said "so I'll take that as a oui "said lily giggling "Timothée,lily  "he heard the director scream "we are reading your part "lily had this scene with him they started reading the lines Hal was as attractive as Timothée you could see they were almost the same person ,Timothée looked so damn fine reading and acting as Henry lily was melting hes tallness ,hair ,jaw and that English accent was making lily jump to kiss him,she couldn't stop flirting,"cut "said the director "lily less flirting and more coldness you know what it's 12 go get lunch said the director and will meet back here."
"Wanna get some lunch ?"she said to timmy,lunch was his thing with marial so he replied "no actually I don't wanna go out today "and gave her a quick smile trying to not sound that serious,"as friends "said lily "we are cast mates right "she said "yes we are "said timmy,"so castmates can go out for a coffee right?" timmy wanted to say no but he didint wanted to seem rude he knew this was bad but it's true they were costars so he said "fine a coffee "yay she said so he texted marial as a good boyfriend mon ange I'll go to grab a coffee with lily rose it's okay?
Marial heard her phone buzz she was watching the intern he wanted a Robert De Niro in her life the character he was portraying ofc she saw timmy it was a timmy text it made her so happy but her smile blew away when she saw the freaking lily rose name,why on earth her boyfriend will be going out with lily she was jealous now but she didint want to timmy to know that so she was thinking what to reply now she wouldn't be in peace knowing that lily wanted her man so bad so she replied "sure it's okay timmy no worries" she shouldn't be jealous but it was lily rose also an attractive girl french like him and her and blonde she just threw herself to the bed and couldn't stop thinking what would happen.
"So where  do you want to go ?"asked timmy his hands on his pockets,"hmm Starbucks sounds right ?"she said as they entered to the cafe,"what will you get?" said lily "an iced espresoo latte "said timmy "I'll get the mocha one "they ordered separate he heard them said Timothée and grabbed his coffee lily she heard said and grabbed her coffee they seated on a table,"Hal really seats you well "said lily "nah "said timmy "it really does I don't know I have never portrait a biographical historical character before "lily touched his hand and said "you are doing it amazing "timmy noticed her gesture but he just pulled away his hand to drink his coffee",I love that your name is so French Timothée just like mine lilyrose ","yeah I'm half french "timmy said "me too well I was born in Paris but I consider myself as a French girl "she said proudly,"why don't you live in Paris "said timmy "because I love LA but now I'm living in nyc obviously and that's a way of staying away from my parents besides I grew up here "said lily "me too said timmy but only my sister lives in Paris ","Pauline right "said lily "yeah how did you know you don't know about social media or what "said lily smirking flirty ,lily untied her hair ,timmy noticed she wanted to look hot for him he just ignored that and kept the conversation "that's true "he said laughing,"do you have any siblings ?"he said "yes jack my baby,you must be paulines baby "she said he laughed,"well yeah "he said "so do you go to Paris "often she asked "sometimes when I visited her we go to Lyon to my family house on summers I try to visit her as lot as I can "timmy said,"nice "said lily,"I go often too to visit my mom she's in love with paris who can blame her,"Timmy just laughed "that's me with nyc I have had the chance of moving away but I decided to stay here in New York it's lit everything it's lit,especially the rap on the Bronx ","right "she smirked knowing what she was saying "that's so lit "said lily  excitedly "do you like rap he said ?"nope just for you baby she said in her mind "yes I love it Tyler the creator,kid cudi Cardi b ,","no way said timmy those are my favorites specially kid cudi he's my everything not that literally but you know what I mean,","well if you need a rap buddy here I am said lily,","let's get going lunch will be over by now "said timmy standing,lily stood up and grabbed his shoulder and said "what's does it feel to be on a Tyler song "asked lily as they walked out "so freaking awesome said timmy I can't believe it "he said blushing "aww you blush said lily can you be more cute "said lily timmy just smiled shyli "pass me the tips for clear skin "said lily timmy let a laugh "I don't even know why he putted that "he said ,"because duh it's true look at yourself "they arrived to the set robbert was confused lily and Timmy and no marial lily went straight to the lady's room "hey man you and lily "said Robert grinning but confused we just went for coffee as he putted his phone out and texted marial "I miss you mon ange ".lily came back from the bathroom and saw him texting "are you texting Tyler when can I get to meet him "she said "nope he laughed but maybe I can bring him to set someday "not taking hes eyes of his phone "well I had a great time today "said lily "yeah said timmy I had too ,","shoot my cousin just arrived I had to pick him up from the airport bye Timothée "as she squeezed his arm timmy didn't knew what does that mean he was oblivious and kinda clumsy if lily was interested in him but maybe he judged her wrong and was nice.

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