Chapter 16: Vic

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***Trigger Warning***

That was the day my world ended. I watched the boy I loved ripped away from me right before my very eyes. I slumped to the floor in shock, my fingers clawing at my wrists, my mother and father walked quietly out of my room. My skin tore open and small rivers of blood ran down my wrists, when I realized that I had broken my promise to Mike, more waves of saddness rushed through me. "Mike!" I yelled, before I could do anymore damage to my skin. Tears flooded my eyes as my younger brother ran into my room. I hate for him to see me like this but he's one of the only people I have left. "Vic." Mike said sadly, picking me up and brought me to the bathroom. After he had bandaged my wrists he helped me back to my room. Sobs hit me in crashing waves of sadness. Mike wrapped his arms around me kissing the top of my head. He rocked me back and forth, rubbing my back, and whispering sweet things in my ear. I eventually fell asleep. When I woke up Mike was still with me. "How long did I sleep?" I croaked.
"A few hours." Mike replied. I let out a sigh and pressed my face into my brother's chest. "It's gonna be okay, Vic." Mike whispered.

"I'm never going to forget about him." I said determinedly. Mike smiled and hugged me tighter.

But I did forget.

Over the years, Kellin faded from my thoughts, from my mind. Then came that one day. Right before Pierce The Veil was going to release their thrid album Collide With The Sky, we recieve news that we are to take a new band on tour with us. They were called Sleeping With Sirens.

A/N: Hey! I'm on winter break now ayye. Well this chapter was painful to write lol. I hope you enjoyed it! Merry whatever you celebrate!


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