"You made me like this, this all your doings. You built us up to this point... so tell my again, how all this is my fault."
"You forever fa me, so sit the fuck down."
"you know karter the more you sit here, and cry. the worst it gets." my mom said getting in my face, i turned my face feeling my eyes water. the more she sat here and lectures me the more angry i get. im just holding all this shit in, it hurts.
"let me cry the, you cried when my dead beat ass daddy left yo' ass, now get the fuck out my room, please." i said, her face dropped. i sat up and out my back to the headboard.
she walked around the bed and pulled me by my ankled, and put her hand around my throat.
"don't bring him up you worthless bitch." she spat, i struggled trying to get out her grip. i reached out under my pillow for my knife, and stabbed her in her neck. she dropped to the floor, holding the right side of her neck. shit. . .
"you're going to jail you slut!" she shouted, i tightened the grip on the knife stood up and stabbed her in the other side of her neck. i stabbed her in the stomach, and over again.
i watched her stop moving, and blood leak out her body. i dropped the knife next to her, dropping to my knees. my phone started ringing.
keentrell🤷🏾♀️' is calling . . .
"hello?" i said.
"jaejae?" i heard him say, sounded like he just woke up. we haven't talked in two whole months.
"huh?" i said.
"whatchu' doin?" he asked. my breathing quickened looking down at my momma.
"uhh nothing, just watching tv, but i don't know how it's off." i said, he chuckled.
"nah im kidding, nothing." i said. we both chuckled.
"i miss you." he yawned.
"i miss you too foe." i smiled.
"wasn't you supposed to call me on the twenty sixth or twenty eighth, for that contract huh?" i asked.
"yeah, i'll se- twenty eighth or twenty sixth?" i cut him off hoping to not sound rude.
"it's one of them days, imma make sure you know i love you doe', i just wanted to make sure i talked to you."
"okay, i'm happy you called."
"i-i love you jaejae." he said and his voice cracked. i felt my eyes water.
"i love you." i said, wiping a tear that fell down my cheek.
"okay. . .imma call you later." and with that he just hung up.
i went to my contacts and pressed my uncle reggie number. i pressed call and he answers on the second ring.
"unc' i need help." i said putting him on speaker. he cleared his throat, and i heard shuffling.
"wassup, what happened?" he said in a concerned tone, and i heard a engine start up.
"just hu-hurry, please." i said and hung up.
my phone started ringing again. oh my fucking god. . .
kash🤡' is calling . . .
"the fuck you doing hoe." kash said sounding excited. i hate when she call me that shit.
"what did you call me for." i wasn't even asking. i already knew, she either wanted to go to a junkie ass party, or to borrow money. or to vent about her drug dealing ass boyfriend cheating on her for the fifth time. stupid ass. . .
"soo, i need fifty dollars for m-" i hung up on her.
i mugged my phone and stared at my mommas body laying lifeless on my bedroom floor.
i picked up my phone ready to put it in dnd, but soon as i did that some called.
"damn!" i yelled.
kash nigga😅 wants to facetime. . .
"nigga what do you want?" i laughed.
"you ma'." he said, i mugged my phone and hung up quickly.
niggas is so stupid these days, i checked my uncles location seeing he was on my street.
hope he barries the bitch right next to her deadbeat, dead ass daddy. . . .