From Europa with love: Part I

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"I should just ignore the signal, Otto... claim my communication gear is screwed up and I missed the message."

Otto remained silent, recognizing Kulcin's remark as a statement and not a question.

Kulcin Black had been comfortably seated with his hand on the back of his head, happily watching Europa shrink in size the farther away he traveled. Europa was one of his least favorite places in the solar system, with its scratched and tortured surface making it a hell hole of a place to land; why anyone would have an interest there was beyond him and now the thought of having to return was sheer torment.

It was times like this he questioned himself for being so loyal to the District, especially after his last quarterly review and the skim he received on his bonus. 'Thank you for all your hard work and dedication,' it stated, 'but un-projected exploration costs were encountered in securing new and exciting opportunities. To further distance ourselves from our competition, these small sacrifices we make today will reward us, all, exponentially over time.' He could almost taste the revulsion at the back of his throat. The fat cats were getting fatter and fatter. While someone needed a new space rock to name after their kid, the exploration cost was coming out of his bonus.

"Turn it around, Otto," Kulcin commanded with a heavy sigh, so weighted with frustration that Otto thought it necessary to run a health ping of Kulcin's vitals.

"Confirmed," Otto responded.

"Any luck contacting the exoBiologists we just dropped off, Otto?"


"How about PelCo-1? Are you able to reach anyone?"

"Negative. I believe the static we are hearing is just empty space, an open channel."

"Keep monitoring and let me know if you pick up anything."

"Affirmative," Otto replied.

"Christ, they didn't even get to the front door. I knew I couldn't get away fast enough. It's like the company doesn't give a shit and will send anyone here for the sake of PR. Bad enough I have their free-floating puke in my cabin, now I gotta go back for more. They aren't paying me enough to do this job, Otto."

Otto remained silent, sensing another statement.

"Coming in at two-zero-zero in one minute," Otto stated.

"Roger that." Kulcin acknowledged with a yawn. "Take us in and remember, Otto, unlike you I'm human so keep the bumps to a minimum."

"I will do my best, Kulcin."

Kulcin hated what was coming next. Between the deluge of radiation from Jupiter wreaking havoc on the communications gear and Europa's magnetic pull and uneven atmosphere, it always felt like the shuttle's skin would one day peel back like the lid on a can of sardines.

"That's another thing, Otto, all the profits get dumped back into the pony show of corporate. You should see what they are giving to the new Academy class. And here I am... flying this junker."

Otto made no response.

"Jesus, Otto!" Kulcin pressed. "We're coming in a tad hot, aren't we?"

"I apologize for your experience, Kulcin, but with SIRCA coating maintenance past due, I need to angle reentry away from the weaker edges. I had advised you—"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Kulcin cut in. "That's why I have you, Otto, so I don't need to be advised of stuff like that. When we get back to Haven, just arrange it. OK, Otto?"

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