Renegade dance challenge

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(Requested by jikooks_flower, I know you requested it on a different book but I think it's more appropriate to put it here 😂😊)
(Also, should I make a mpreg one-shots book, with bottom Ggukie in all of it 😋)

BTS stood in front of the camera, smiling as they waited for the song to start. They heard the beat before doing a woah.

Clapping their hands together in front, doing an infinity figure with their right arm.

Doing two backhand claps, doing a wait figure as they also lipsynched it.

They all did a long punch, snapping their fingers, leaning forward and backward before crossing and uncrossing their arms.

Doing a stacking figure, they put their hands over their heads.

Putting their hands in front of them and acting like they coughed out something.

Dabbing a little, doing another long punch. They then put their hands in front of their mouth then breathing out.

Shaking their body, crossing and uncrossing their hands in front of their lower torso before they finished.

"Well, that was a good dance" Hoseok says, chuckling.

"Baby, taught us about it" Jimin says, kissing the younger's cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah, now go, I'll post this" Jungkook says before walking away. All of his boyfriends just laughed, going back to what they're doing.

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