Chapter 20: The Offer

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Jason's POV

Notch smiled "Welcome to my temple. I see you need my help with your friend's.... Problem..."

Seto nodded "I have a journal that told us here is where we'd find the answer."

Notch seemed to pause at this "I see... Well I'm pleased to tell you that you were all worthy of meeting me and I apologise for putting each of you through those scenarios..."

I sighed "As long as we passed..."

"In truth, you all passed the moment you entered the temple, the fears were more tests..." Steve muttered.

"Excuse me?!" Jerome demanded "So we didn't have to go through our fears?!"

"No, you did have to go through them, you may have been worth to speak with me but I can't just give you a potion or a spell that can fix Adam just like that, it isn't that simple..." Notch said calmly.

Ty sighed "Well how do we do it then?"

Notch turned to Steve "Steve can to tell Seto what he will need to do?"

Steve nodded and walked over to a pillar gesturing to Seto to follow.

Seto blinked and shrugged, following.

When they were out of sight, Notch turned back to us "Ok, so tell me what you do know about what's happened to your friend?

"We know he's become a Herobrine hybrid and is Herobrine's willing servant to sum it up..." Mitch said bluntly.

Notch nodded "I see, well, to start, I should be clear that, it's not going to be easy to reverse the spell..."

"Nothing ever is, so just tell us." Quentin said, sighing.

He nodded "Right, well I to start, I will say that Adam, has an incredibly strong willpower."

"What do you mean by that?" Ian asked

"The potion that Herobrine gave to Adam to become a brine worked, yet not completely, yes, Adam received his powers, yet he overcame the personality part by sheer willpower. When Adam woke up, he was still himself."

"Then why is he Herobrine's servant?" Bella asked.

"Let me ask you something... What's the one thing you noticed about Adam when you first saw him as Skybrine... Aside from the eyes?

I thought for a moment, then something clicked at the back of my head and I murmured "His amulet was gone!"

Notch nodded "Yes."

"So... The amulet is the key?" Ty asked, hope clear in his voice.

"Yes, and No" Notch said "The amulet is part of it. Your friend Seto, will also need to learn a spell to give Adam back all the things the amulet took from him.

"So that's what Steve's telling Seto about?" Bella asked.

He nodded "Yes, but you must know that my brother will no doubt have the amulet well guarded... and you will have to get Skybrine incredibly weak before you can have Seto perform the spell."

Around this time, Seto and Steve had come back. Steve stood next to Notch and Seto stood by Jerome, he looked really shaken up.

"How the heck can we do that?!" Ian asked "He could kill us and not even break a sweat!"

"I know....." He said "Which brings me to your fears, the main reason you had to face them was because I needed to know who can handle what I'm giving them, I needed to know who out of you has as much willpower as Adam..."

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