Chapter 7 - Never to Sing Again

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Carly's POV:

I woke up and scowled. I had fallen asleep some hours before and I still couldn't get my mind around the fact I had been kidnapped. It wasn't normal. And most of all I didn't understand why Erik would do it. I knew he was strange but this was more than strange. It was creepy. I stood up and walked over to my vanity and sat down. I looked into the mirror and heard the door opening.

“Look, Erik, I don't want to talk to you. Please leave.” I heard a sigh and then something being set down on my bed.

“There is your breakfast. You haven't eaten in three days. It is about time you ate. We can talk when you are feeling better.” I heard him starting to leave.

“Wait, why did you kidnap me?” I turned to look at him. He looked the same but I thought I saw his shoulders sloping a little more than usual. I heard him sigh.

“You will find out soon enough. It is time for another lesson. Do you feel like singing? There is much more I can teach you.” I shook my head.

“Erik, I will never sing again.” I heard his gasp and his eyes grow wide. He turned away and walked out the door. I looked toward my meal and sighed. It looked and smelled good and I was hungry.

Erik's POV:

I couldn't believe what she had just said. I couldn't live without her voice. That had been part of my reason for kidnapping her. I had wanted to hear her voice for the rest of my life. I could die happy if I could die listening to her voice. Not to hear again would be my death. I ran my fingers over a painting of her and tried not to cry. Her voice was my life. I finally broke down in tears.

Carly's POV:

I finished my meal and then I walked out of my room. I walked around and soon realized that it wasn't the same house. I didn't know my way around. I walked for a while and realized that it was as beautiful as his other home. I kept walking and then heard some sobbing. I hated him but I hated to hear him cry. I knew what had done it to him. It was my proclamation not to sing. I walked to the music room. I saw him bending over a painting. The closer I came the more I realized who it was. It was a painting of me. Why would he have a painting of me? I wasn't worth it. He suddenly turned towards me and I said,

“Don't cry. I can't sing when I am unhappy. I can't. But don't cry. Please, don't cry.” I couldn't stand it anymore. I turned around and realized I didn't know where to go. “Take me to my room.” I said. He nodded and showed me back to it. Even though it was morning I still collapsed back into bed and fell asleep.

Erik's POV:

I had felt her presence but I couldn't turn around. I was sure that once she found her way our of her room she would find her way out of the house. I had forgotten to lock the door. I thought that the feeling would pass. I thought she was think I was occupied and take this chance to run. But she hadn't. She had told me not to cry and then asked me to take her to her room. She had called it her room. Was she accepting this. I had walked her up there and watched her fall asleep. She was so beautiful. She was everything I wasn't, but she was everything I wanted. I carefully closed her door and walked away. I had some composing to do.

Carly's POV:

I woke up some time later. I had been sleeping a lot more than I ever had. I realized then that I hadn't taken a bath or even changed my clothes in a long time. I noticed there was another door in my room and I opened it. Inside was a huge bathroom. I gasped. That tub looked so inviting. It wasn't long before I had slipped into the warm water. That felt good. I stayed in there until the water started to get cold. Then I slipped out and after drying off, I wrapped myself in a towel and walked into my room. There was a large wardrobe in the side of the room. I walked over to it and opened it up. My eyes grew wide. It was the most beautiful clothes I had ever seen. They were all in my sizes and styles. I quickly put a set on and gasped. They were the finest brands. It was then I realized something. I was settling in. I was getting used to living here.


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

Sorry, this was all filler. I had to put something in here. I hope you don't mind. I will have some actual story meat soon!! Love ya'll.


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