~ ONE ~

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She watched as the Kingdom burned around her, the wind blew on her face and for once, she felt truly at peace.

Guinevere woke up in a cold sweat. She was terrified by her dreams, the image of the burning castle was stuck in her head. Normally she didn't have dreams, but if she did, they always meant something. They were always visions or windows into the future.

   The scared girl glanced next to her to see her beloved feline, She looked around her room, everything looked the same. She heard a knock on her door.

  "Good morning, Guinevere, time to get up!" Guinevere pushed her ebony locks out of her face.       

   "Good morning, Miss Arabelle!"

Miss Arabelle was the maid in Guinevere's castle. Well, technically her parents castle.

   The raven haired pushed off her emerald green blanket and got out of bed. She gazed out her window, the image of the burning castle still in her mind. She stared at the village below her. Her bedroom was at the top of one of the many towers of the castle.

   People bustled through the streets. Everyone had a role, a purpose. Guinevere wished she could be a part of that. She may be a princess, but she just didn't feel it suited her. She was in the village a lot and the town's people adored her. She loved it, because the people loved the royal family because of their importance and such. But they loved her because she loved them, she loved spending time with them and helping them when she could.

    I should be getting ready, shouldn't I? Guinevere thought after a few minutes. She sighed heavily and walked over to her wardrobe.

She put on a simple green dress and moved to her vanity. She brushed through her dark hair and glanced at the sparkling tiara sitting on the counter. She only had to wear it during events, which was great for Guinevere because she didn't like wearing it. To her it seemed like flaunting her privilege. Yes, everyone knew she was a princess, but she didn't need to flaunt it so openly.

    She finally finished getting ready and opened the door to her room.


Guinevere swiftly descended the tower stairs and headed towards the dining hall.

Miss Arabelle hurried over to Guinevere. "Finally! You're here, sit down and eat. Your parents are away at the neighboring kingdom for the day."

Guinevere sat down in her regular seat. "Thank you, Miss Arabelle."

Guinevere picked up her fork and looked across the table to see her twin sister, Elise.

"Morning Elise!" Guinevere said happily, taking a bite of her pancakes.

"Morning Guinevere." Elise said coldly, staring at her painted red nails.

Guinevere scoffed quietly. Every time she tried to be nice her sister never reciprocated.

Her sister was much different to her. For starters she had wavy blonde hair and her eyes were blue. She didn't have the same love for the kingdom's citizens as Guinevere did. The only things that girl loved were her small dog, Gem, and her boyfriend, Chadwick, and the idea of being Queen.

"I can't believe Mom and Dad went to Sapphire kingdom without me! I want to go see Chad..." Elise complained, stabbing her pancakes with her fork.

"They went there for business not for a visit." Miss Arabelle said while cleaning a large vase.

"Business? What business? Maybe they're discussing my marriage. I mean, Chad's going to need a queen pretty soon. He's going to be king next March after he turns 17." Elise bragged while taking a sip of her coffee.

"You've told us. Many, many times." Guinevere said uninterested.

"Don't get your hopes up Princess. They're only there to discuss a trade deal, not marriage." Miss Arabelle said, cleaning up the plates.

Elise sighed and rolled her eyes. 

Guinevere felt something furry brush her ankle and run towards Elise. It was Gem, the small, fluffy, puppy. She jumped onto Elise's lap while Elise cooed at her.

Guinevere stood up from the table. "I'm going to head out to the village!"

"I don't know why you like that boring place so much." Elise said scoffing.

"Stay safe please!" Arabelle said, waving to Guinevere.

Guinevere grabbed her satchel and headed out the large castle doors. After letting the guards know where she was going.

She stepped outside and took in the fresh air.


A/N- lol this isnt my best work but it did well on Quotev so here it is


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