
"yeah.. Him"

"sadly. Trying to forget."

"it might be him. I'll text him now. Why are you out of my apartment tho?"

"I thought of bringing movies to watch, this time alone."

"next time ask first okay? You might go there without a reason like you did today" y/n said uncomfortable.

"yeah, I wanted to surprise you but anyway. I'll go home then"

"I'm sorry" she said feeling bad for telling such a lie.

"it's okay, don't worry" he answered, ending the call.

"you are a good liar." Jaehyun rests his body on the wall, next to the TV. He walked to the couch, sitting next to her but not so close. This time he gave her some space.

"aren't you as well?" she turned to face him.

He was and he knew it.
He could hide his feelings from others and find easily excuses for everything that happened around him.

"find me a person who never lies"

"he's right in front of you"

"right.." the girl agreed,frowning.

"was it Daniel?" Jaehyun asked even if he already knew the answer.


"and you told him you're not home, so, you don't have to really see him today. Why are you trying to make me leave?"

"I want to stay alone. You also don't want me around you at all.. "

"you can stop being around me but I cant stop being around you." was all he said.

Goddd he's so mysterious and weird. What does that even mean?



"I think you can." y/n looked down.

"why do you think I can?"

"when I came home this morning, I had a coffee with Becka. She ordered it for me to thank me for the keys." y/n turned to face him. "we started talking about you. I knew you were not the guy that was here yesterday but I had to pretend I didn't know."

"why would you talk about me?"

"I just asked if she took your 'relationship' or whatever this is called seriously. If she really likes you, what she likes about you.. Etc"

Jaehyun smirked. "are you perhaps... jealous?"

"you wish"

I wish


"she said she thinks you two are a great match because your personalities are almost the same." the girl spoke quietly.

"same? How?"

"do you have any ideas?"

"Well, no because our personalities are completely different."

"I don't think they are much different."

"that was kinda offensive, don't you think?"

"offensive? If I'm not mistaken, you said Becka was way nicer than me. Isn't it why you're being close friends with her?" Jaehyun started feeling angry and looked away.

"what did she say?"He questioned. "is what she said the reason you are being extremely weird today?"

"no. Its not her but you. What Becka said just made me realise why you're being so cold towards me. I thought you were just in a bad mood all these days but seems like I was wrong."

"won't you tell me what she said?"

"no-" she didn't want to talk about it yet. She knew they'd argue.

"you will" he got up, looking at her. "you fucking will" he said calm. He then dragged a chair from the kitchen to the living room and sat in front of her. "I'll stay here for tonight. We have many hours ahead so take your time" he leaned back, staring at her.

"you don't have to stay here for tonight, since what she said was not much."

"alright, spit it out."

"she said you don't really like me. You didn't like me since the beginning. To be honest, I thought the same, many times."

"that's all?" 'so, it's true?'

"I'm not finished." she looked at him. "when you said you wanted to be friends you didn't really mean it. You just did what you did to just diss on me later when you two meet. Youd tell her my plans, what I do with who and when since we weren't under the same roof anymore and she couldn't know. "she felt her cheeks heating up.
" I didn't want to believe her at first, but then she told me more. Did you really tell her that you pay for my food everytime? It's not like I ask for it. You just do it everytime and never accept money from me. And what was the 'I think she came here to find her Korean oppa' thing? Do you really think I came here just to find a guy and fuck? You even told her I'm flirting with the members? "she started tearing up.

Jaehyun was getting angrier everytime the girl was talking about something new.

"she said that I'm talking bad about her so you won't date her?? She even put the blame on me for not being your girlfriend yet. And when the fuck did I try to seduce you?" she was now sobbing. "there is much more but I'm disgusted, just thinking of it."

Jaehyun bit his bottom lip, pulling his hair back. "and you actually believed her?"

"shouldn't I?"

"if I tell you what really happens will you believe me?" He asks still calm which annoyed the girl even more.

"why? Why would you believe her and not me?" He asked but got no answer.
"seems like the story is being repeated. Just like I believed her back then and not you" his lips cracked a small smile.

"are you smiling?" the girl frowned, getting angry.

"what do you want me to do?"

"I don't know? Take it seriously maybe?" she got up, heading to her room.

She was about to close the door but Jaehyun was quick to react.
He got in the room, grabbing y/ns wrists in his hands tightly because she tried to push him.


"can you please get out? I want to stay alone" she pressed her lips together, after speaking quietly. The man didn't move so she tried pushing him again.

Jaehyun pushed her on bed instead, balancing his body on his elbows, while keeping her hands pinned on the mattress above her head. "ya" he hissed angrily this time, having his forehead pressed on hers.
"would I be around you if I had said things like these?" He pulled his head back. "do you think I'm shameless? If I had said those things you think I'd have the guts to face you?Do you think of me as someone who trash talks like that? "

"you're hurting me" she looked up at her hands but Jaehyun made her look at him again.

"you're hurting me too." he got off of her. "when you come back to your right mind text me. I'll come here to talk about it" he shook his head, walking out of the room. In seconds he was out of her apartment.

He closed the door with force behind him and instead of taking his car, he started walking to somewhere.

Y/n was still laying in bed, now curled up crying.
She did what he did back then. She judged fast.
She felt guilty,but she couldn't just ignore what Becka said. But she seemed pretty honest. 

And Jaehyun seemed so much hurt.

Come back  22:14 she texted right away.

He wasn't far. She didn't want to see him now but she felt really bad.
'what if he wants to stay alone?'
'what will we say when he comes here?'
'will he actually come?'

Open the door. 22:37

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