Hot, Wet, and Dangerous!

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A small scene at the end, just a warning it might be a little to intense.

Chapter Five

“How’s the sex?” Kirsten asks devilishly as we pick through the racks at Bloomingdale a week later. This time I was shopping and Chandler knew it, I finally had my own card and ID, I didn’t particularly enjoy the fact they said Natasha Goldsworth but I eventually got over that.

“Come on, do you need to ask Chandlers great in bed.” We hadn’t really actually had sex yet but messed around, I wasn’t ready and kept putting it off y excuses, he didn’t seem to notice.

“You dirty girl!” Kirsten says playfully hitting me on the butt. “What do you think of this?” she holds a silky black dress up to her body. Kirsten was much like Chandler in ways she didn’t see, she wasn’t the married type, dated a bunch of guys and always wanted sex.

“You’re the dirty girl. I’d wanna bone you with that on!” I say giving her a playful sexy smirk. An elderly woman glares at us and we burst into hysterics, she walks off stomping and furious. We high five in fits of giggles, as we make our way to the counter.

“Hello.” I hear my phone ringing and pick it out my pocket as I place my items at the register. “Hey.”Chandler says on the other end. I hear a lot of noise in the background guessing he’s leaving work. 

“Still having girl time?"

“Actually we were just finishing, why what’s up?”

“Well I'm off a little earlier than expected and was just going to go home and relax with you.” I knew he meant relaxing in ‘other’ ways which wouldn’t be so bad at all.

“Kirsten’s with me, so we’ll just come home and have lunch,” I pay for the items and make my way out.

“Damn, I forgot about her, and make sure you don’t invite Leslie, I am not in the mood for her today. I gotta go but I’ll see you soon.” We hang up and I start to the car with Leslie to make our way home


We’d ended up beating Chandler home; we even stopped at the grocery store to get some things for lunch. The amount of attention I got everywhere scared me, sometimes girls would rave over me or glare at me murdering me mentally, other times I’d hear people snapping pictures or asking questions, the worst were the perverted men and the magazines. I’d picked up a couple from the store; I saw my face on the front page of a lot of them. Kirsten told me to ignore it but I just couldn’t, I had to read each and every one of them.

“I'm home!”Chandler yells as I hear him enter the house, breaking my chain of thought.

“I'm in the kitchen!”

“Hey sexy.” He growls kissing my neck he lifts me on top of the island and I loop my legs around his and he kisses me intensely until I hear someone clear their throat. I groan loudly as I turn and see Leslie at the door hands on hips.

“Why the hell are you here?” Kirsten asks annoyance present. Leslie ignores her.

“It’s really disgusting, that you’re doing that on the counter, god I wonder what else you’ve been doing on there. I'm never eating here again” She says her high pitch annoying voice bothering my ears.

“We do whatever the hell we want on it, because it’s ours. We don’t want you to eat here; we don’t want you to be here!” I snap “And who let you in?” I slip down from the island and stand beside Chandler.

“I might’ve left the front door unlocked.”Chandler says looking guilty his lips really red from our little ‘session’. Kirsten and I both glare at him.

In Too DeepOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora