Hermes chanced a glance outside the windows in the Gryffindor Tower and shivered. The black-cloaked creatures of nightmares swarmed around, making Hogwarts extra drearier. Although he perfectly understood that it was necessary to strengthen the defenses of Hogwarts due to the possible attack of Sirius Black, Hermes mournfully thought it would have been better if they chose any other means than dementors.
The screams he heard during their train ride still kept him awake at night. The way the compartment suddenly grew unbearably freezing, echoes of unidentified screams loud against his ears, the dementors quickly became one of the most unpleasant creatures he had ever met. And he'd seen quite a lot, especially because he was best friends with someone who unluckily attracted hideous creatures.
"Hey, you're back!"
He pulled his gaze away from the window to see Harry Potter strolling in. Ron already abandoned the Quidditch magazine he had been reading a while ago and was now quickly walking towards Harry.
"Hey," Hermes called, sauntering closer to his friends. He frowned, noting the exhaustion in Harry's eyes. "Tough lesson?"
"Yeah," he sighed, moving past his best friends to collapse on one of the overstuffed couches near the fireplace. "Bloody hell, I just want to sleep."
"You haven't finished your Charms essay due tomorrow," Hermes reminded.
Harry released a monumental sigh and threw him a withered glance. "Thanks for the reminder, Hermes," he sarcastically replied.
Hermes grinned and shrugged his shoulders, plopping down on Harry's right side. Ron easily claimed the other spot.
"So, the Patronus Charm?" Hermes urged, wanting to hear more about this intriguing charm. Ever since Professor Lupin defended them from the dementors in Hogwarts Express, Hermes had been itching to put this spell into practice, too. He was truthfully a little jealous that only Harry could attend these extra lessons with their DADA professor.
A wide, brilliant grin spread on Harry's face. "I've produced an incorporeal one," he excitedly recounted. "Not exactly corporeal yet; it was more of a mist than a true form. Professor Lupin reckoned it's still progress."
Hermes nodded. "Even adult wizards have a difficult time producing an incorporeal one," he said, remembering a passage he read from one of the many books about the Patronus Charm. "I wonder what your Patronus would look like."
Harry shrugged. "Who knows," he murmured, snatching the Quidditch magazine from Ron's hands.
"Oi!" the redhead exclaimed. Harry compromised by offering him the other page.
"So," Harry continued. "I came across Malfoy and her stupid cronies a while ago."
Hermes' ears perked at the mention of the Slytherin. "Yeah?" he asked.
"Let me guess," Ron said after a ridiculous snort. "She made that stupid imitation of a dementor again."
Harry rolled his eyes. "Of course," he said. "But, besides that, she made this comment that bothered me."
When Hermes merely wordlessly looked at him, he continued, "She pointed out some of Professor Lupin's weird... behavior." He absentmindedly rubbed his scar, which, Hermes finally accepted was purely out of habit. "I dunno... he seems really tired for some days, yeah? Like bone-deep tired. Like he'd been through an exhausting battle or – "
" – he's a werewolf?" Hermes helpfully supplemented.
Harry's green eyes widened while Ron's mouth fell open. Hermes, realizing he voiced one of his speculations aloud, grew sheepish. "Well, I haven't really proven anything yet," he quickly added.

Through the Years (Dramione Genderswap Fanfic)
FanfictionHermes Granger fervently believed that Malfoy's sole purpose in life was to make his life a living hell. Dramione genderswap! Male!Hermione Granger/Female!Draco Malfoy. -0-0-0-0-0- Hermes Granger vowed to himself he would be the best in everything...