Chapter 3 - Erik

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Carly's POV:

I brushed my dress and tried to keep myself calm. I didn't know what this man did to me but I wasn't sure if I liked it or not. I pulled a lock of my hair back and took a deep breath as I hurried down the stairs to help Mother with the table. We were just finishing setting it when the doorbell rang. I looked at Mother and she smoothed her dress. She walked over towards the door and opened it. I withheld a gasp. I had only seen Erik sitting in a pew and now I realized how tall and fit he was. I couldn't help but smile because he had Jonathan beat several times over. That white mask was still in place and those golden eyes were still as brilliant as ever. He shook my mother and father's hands then mine. I managed not to blush my cheeks off when he did that. Whoa, Carly, take it easy. He is no doubt a lot older than you and with that face probably has a girlfriend. I took a deep breath and it worked. Mother brought out dinner and we started to eat. Nothing was said for a moment before Father spoke up.

“I understand you want to train my daughter's voice?” Erik nodded.

“I am a voice teacher. I don't do it too often but sometimes I find someone worth my while.” I kept eating and tried to ignore the complement. He must has seen something in me.

“She is a good singer,” said Mother, “We have thought about lessons but couldn't ever find someone who would do what we needed. Where would you meet?” I could tell Mother wasn't too sure about him.

“Anywhere she wants to.” Erik said. I was getting drawn in by that voice and I wanted to hear it again. I wondered what would happen when he sang. I couldn't imagine what would happen with that unearthly voice. I spoke up quietly,

“We could do it at your house. That way we wouldn't bother my family.” Erik considering this for a moment and then responded,

“Well, that would work. I live alone so that would work. I can understand that you wouldn't want to bother anyone.” I smiled. He fixed his eyes on me and I blushed a little. I hadn't ever met someone with golden eyes. It was a strange experience. But I didn't mind them. I glanced at my parents and I could tell that they were unsure about all this.

“Mother, Father, it'll be fine. I am sure he can be trusted.” I heard a chuckle come from Erik and a smile twitched at the sides of his mouth. I liked that smile. I smiled back and I saw shock in his eyes. I didn't understand.

“Well, I guess. I mean, how far away is your house?” My mother asked.

“Not too far. I will give you directions. It is only about fifteen minutes away.” I smiled. That wasn't far. I had a car and could drive that easily. Before dinner ended we had come up with a plan. I would go on Tuesdays and Fridays. I had also learned that Erik's last name was Destler. I thought it was unusual but there wasn't anything about this man that was normal.

Mother had left to put Samantha to bed and Father was in his library so it landed on me to escort the guest out. I was standing in the doorway and Erik on the porch. I took a deep breath and said,

“Mr. Destler-” I was about to go on when he raised a hand.

“Please, Erik.” I smiled.

“Then call me Carly.” He gave a half smile. His eyes really glowed when he did that.

“Erik, I was wondering why you chose me.” He sighed.

“You will find out soon enough. I will see you on Tuesday?” I nodded and he walked away. This man sure liked riddles. I walked back inside and my mother was standing with her hands on her hips. I looked at her in curiosity. I wasn't sure what was wrong.

“Carly, why were you blushing the whole way through dinner?” I couldn't believe my own mother had noticed. I thought I had done well.

“Mother, he is a stranger. I am not so good with strangers.” Mother raised her eyebrows.

“Yeah, tell me that when you walked up to someone you don't know and as how their day is going. No, Carly, I have known you long enough to know when you are blushing because your embarrassed or because that guy in front of you is everything you ever dreamed of.” My mouth hung open. She laughed and gave me a hug.

“Honey, I know about these things. Just don't forget Jonathan. He a great guy. I know that girls are drawn to the mysterious men but Jonathan will always be there for you. You have known him for years.” I nodded.

“Yes, Mother. I understand. Its just that Erik is really handsome. How does a man have a voice like an angel and a body to match?” Mother shook her head.

“I don't know. There is only one of Erik, I am sure. Now time for bed.” I nodded and walked up to bed. I was totally confused.

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