- Well, as far as I can see, my trophies weren't that lucky. They made your cool-headedness yield, I guess – he grinned and put their dinner on the table.


Nora was packing the last box. Monika was handing her books, which they then carefully wrapped in newspapers as if they were made of porcelain.

- Don't forget your blanket. And, I'm begging you, take that abomination of a flower that looks like it's been dead for decades with you.

Monika was running around the apartment, not allowing Nora to lift anything heavier than a coffee cup.

- You don't want to keep it as something to remember me by? – Nora was teasing her.

- Remember you? You're moving ten minutes away from here. The moment I start missing you, I'll be at your door.

She jumped to her side and rubbed her belly.

- Or coming to rescue my godchild from the crazy parents.

Nora laughed heartily. As much as she was happy and excited about the start of a new chapter in her life, she was also nostalgic for her life with Monika. For years, they were everything to each other. They got used to each other, and it was not easy for Nora to just forget about it like that. Monika seemed to read her mind.

- There, there. Let's not mope around. You know who will be the happiest you're leaving? The cat, he'll finally have a room for himself.

- I think that's everything – Nora clapped her hands.

- I'll go through everything. And if you've forgotten something, it will be at your door in no time.

Viktor rang the bell to help them carry things.

- Here I am, my ladies. I'm ready to be the luggage handler.

- We've been waiting long enough.

Monika would probably never completely forgive him for those four hours of hell her pregnant friend had to go through because of him.

- I brought ice cream to redeem myself. Pregnant ladies are the first to choose.

That was a special night for both of them. Nora had slept over at Viktor's place many times before, but this was different. This time it was real. This time it was their place.

They arranged lunch with his mom and dad. Nora would meet them for the first time and immediately have to tell them she was pregnant. She was a little bit nervous since she knew that they were extremely traditional, so she did not know what kind of reaction to expect. Nora and Viktor called Nora's parents the day before and told them the happy news. They were overjoyed. Nora did not know who was more pleased, mom or dad. They did not overthink the fact that she was so young or that she did not have a job. They could not stop talking about their future grandchild and how they would do anything for that kid. They promised to provide a lot of support and help.

They were both excited when they knocked on the door and were greeted by his mom Vesna. She was a well-dressed woman; you could tell she was taking good care of herself. Her hairstyle and makeup, as well as her outfit, suited her age and slim figure. She kept some distance from Nora, but also Viktor. His dad, Mate, on the other hand, was a gentle giant. Round and grey, red-faced, but loud and smiling. He hugged and kissed them both and led them to the table.

Lunch was sumptuous and delicious. Vesna paid attention to every detail. From serviettes to knife placement. Another character trait of hers, a perfectionist. This one's going to be hard to impress, Nora thought. After lunch, they sat down on the patio to have coffee.

- We came here to tell you that we are expecting a baby. Nora is pregnant.

Viktor did not think that beating around the bush would make it easier for anyone. Their expressions were priceless. Vesna looked as if she swallowed a teaspoon she had just used to stir her coffee. Only her eyes quadrupled, emphasizing her uptight and skinny frame. Mate clapped his hands like a little kid, and his face got even redder, if at all possible.

- You really took us by surprise, son. Congratulations!

Dad was the first one to talk. Although visibly surprised, he did not hide his joy. Vesna, however, still did not express any other emotion other than pure bewilderment.

- Mom, you won't say anything?

- Yeah... Well, this is quite a surprise. I mean, it's all so fast, we just met Nora, but great news, of course – she sputtered between two sips of coffee. Interesting woman.

- We feel the same way. But we are thrilled – Viktor took Nora's hand and smiled at her. That reassured her.

- But we should start planning the wedding immediately. It would be best if I contact a priest right now. We have a family friend, he will understand the situation and make the best of it.

Vesna got up from the table to get her cell phone.

- We haven't even thought about the wedding yet, mom.

- Excuse me? What will you do then?

- We wanted to take it slow, we haven't talked about it yet – Nora interjected.

- Sweetheart, you don't want to live in sin, do you?

Vesna looked at Nora like she was a moth mindlessly ramming into a lamp, which will inevitably scorch it.

- We just haven't decided yet, we have time. Now we have...

Vesna cut her off mid-sentence.

- There is nothing to decide. It's the way it should be. I don't even see the point of talking about it. I'll take care of everything.

She got up and disappeared into the house. Nora and Viktor sighed, and Mate poured them some šljivovica (A fruit brandy made from damson plums (plum brandy), produced in Central and Eastern Europe. In Balkan countries, it is considered a type of rakija.) to toast. Nora then realized why he was so red all the time. They spent the rest of the afternoon in a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere. Dad Mate kept refilling their glasses, while mom Vesna was getting more and more absent. Nora could hardly wait for them to leave. This afternoon would not make anyone's top five of the best family moments, she was sure.

The next day, she called her own parents to tell them about the meeting. Mom could not wait to hear what it was like. Poor thing probably spent the entire morning waiting next to her phone, so she would not miss the call.

- Have you mesmerized them? Who wouldn't be mesmerized by my stunning daughter? – she was chirping into the phone.

- I almost have – Nora laughed.

- What did they say?

- I think they are happy; they were quite surprised.

- Don't worry, when the baby comes, they will forget all about it. When they see those little eyes and legs, they will instantly fall in love.

The very mention of the baby got her mom all emotional.

- I hope so. We decided to get married.


- You guys haven't mentioned that before.

- You're right, but his parents are very traditional, and we think it's for the best.

She was clearly on speaker because her dad interfered.

- Only if that is something that you want to do, kiddo. You don't have to do anything that doesn't feel right.

- I know, dad; I want to. I love Viktor, and I think it's the right decision.

- If so, my dear, you have our full support.

She ended the conversation and looked out the window.

Yes, I want to. It is for the best.

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