"Bye Aiden, hope to see you again"

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"Yeah, why not? Whenever I'm sad or feeling low, I have ice cream. And this really boosts the mood."

"But why would such a bubbly fun loving person like you be sad so often."

"Which flavour will you have?" He said hesitantly, completely ignoring my question.



"Yeah, why?"

"We really do share the same taste."

And then we talked, laughed. With each minute coming close to my leaving, I felt a bit sad.
"C'mon let's head to our next destination."

"You really are full of surprises."

"Our next stop is another one of my favourite places to chill. It's walking distance from here."

"So what's the delay. Let's go."

After walking for 10 minutes, we reached, I think it's a park. And I was confirmed when he said
"It's the Shelby park."

Once we got in, I understood why it's one of his favourite places. There were playgrounds, dog parks, baseball fields, golf course, etc. It seemed really calm and peaceful. I could see a son and father playing in the playground, a family who were laughing and eating, many lovely couples, people coming for a walk with their dogs, but there were only a countable people. So there wasn't much of a crowd.
The sound of leaves rattling in the gentle breeze really felt soothing. After walking for some time, we decided to take rest on a wooden bench that we spotted there.
"So you usually come here alone?" I asked, trying to make a conversation.

"Yeah, I like coming here alone and enjoy the nature. I have many friends but I guess none of them has time, so yeah...I come alone."

"Why did you bring me then?"

"You don't seem to me like them. I think you really are genuine. And I'd love to share this place with a beautiful person like you." I blushed at his words. Yeah, I really can't help it.

"Man, you really blush a lot. "

"I don't think so, even though I've heard that earlier as well." Tried my best not to accept that fact.

"Hey, do you mind if I take a picture?" I asked.

"Of course, not."
It has been like a habit to me. Whenever I have an amazing time, a time I'd never want to forget in my life , I take a picture. Because, I feel that we cannot rewind back time, but photographs really help us to live that moment again. And this is a moment which I'd love to live again and again in my entire life.

We sat there for a while, without talking. But the silence wasn't awkward. Infact, I liked it. The leaves rattling , the chirping of birds gave company.

"It's nearly time for lunch. I've thought of where to take you now. So move your butt." He said.

We got into his car and the next place that Aiden took me to was a cafe. The Well Coffeehouse. Aiden ordered us burgers and fries. We then sat on a table which was just near the window. The vibe in that cafe was really awesome. It was a cozy place with some music playing in the background. While we waited for our order, I decided to click some more pictures to keep as a memory. Shortly after that, our order arrived and I couldn't help myself but to dive into the food. I was really hungry. As I was having it, Aiden spoke.

Together, Forever?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat