"I love you."

"I love you too."


Two days had gone by of hanging out with the Jauregui's and it's been amazing. They remind me so much of my own family, whom i"m looking forward to see again. Unfortunately though that won't be happening in time for Christmas. Turns out the route that all flights take from Miami heading to Australia are cancelled due to dangerous weather. I'm pretty upset that I won't be spending Christmas with them. On the plus side, I will be spending it with Lauren and her's. I think. I haven't actually told them yet, mainly cause I don't wanna intrude and I know they'll tell me to stay with them.

"Sup Y/N." Chris greeted coming into the kitchen.

"Hey Chris."

"Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for the airport?"

"Apparently all flights heading to Australia are cancelled. Bad weather."

"Sweet, that means you'll be spending Christmas with us!" he said excitedly high-fiving me. Kinda weird, I mean why is my girlfriend's brother excited that i'm gonna spend Christmas with them.

"Why are you so happy?"

"Y/N you make Lauren the happiest I've ever seen her. More than all her ex boyfriends put together." He explained. Did I really make Lauren that happy? Just thinking about it brought a smile on my face.

"Do you think your parents will mind?" He held up his hand, singnalling me to stop before bringing his phone to his ear.

"Hey mum! Y/N's flight got cancelled. Yeah. Turns out all of them. I know. Yup. I already told her. I literally said the exact same thing mum. Ok see you soon." He finished and hung up.

"What was that about?"

"Mum says you have to stay now. That and the exact same thing about you making Lauren happy." Before I could reply Lauren came downstairs, and stood beside, wrapping her arms around my side.

"Who's making me happy?"

"Your girlfriend." Chris smirked.

"She does." Lauren replied before giving me a kiss.

"Plus, guess who's staying for Christmas?"

"No way! You're staying?" I nodded.

"All flights heading to Australia are cancelled for the next few days." She didn't even say anything. Just beamed happiness and brought me into a deep kiss. I complied into the kiss, completely forgetting Chris was standing right there.

"Bye guys." I broke the kiss to apologise to him but Lauren wouldn't allow it, making me kiss her more. Not complaining though.    

"This means you get to meet my friends." she smiled through the kiss. 

"It does doesn't it." She was then pulling me towards her room. Hmmm, I wonder what she's thinking. When we were inside she shut the door and pushed me on her bed. Woah, ok, I think I like where this is heading. I was sat up on the edge of the bed with Lauren now straddling me with a smirk on her face. 

She took my hands and placed them her lower back. And when I say lower back I mean lower back, while she had hers round my neck before closing the gap between us. The kiss grew into a make out session, fast. My hands gave her butt a light squeeze, earning a moan from her before they found their way to the hem of her tank top. I wasn't playing with the hem of it for very long because Lauren broke the kiss and lifted her arms up as I helped her take it off.

There I was. Faced with Lauren's chest that was being covered by her black bra. I was brought out of the trance when Lauren guided my face back to hers and into yet another kiss. A kiss that was not only loving and passionate, but sensual and lustfull. Eventually I brought my lips to her neck and started to suck gently on one spot. She threw her head back and moaned a bit loader than before. Note to self, remember this spot.

The sound of Lauren's door opening resonated in my mind but it was too late. "Hey Lauren have you-oh my god!" I detached my lips from Lauren's neck as fast as I could, Lauren pushing her self away from me reaching for her top while I sat there looking at Mike with pure fear written on my face. Thankfully though I was just looking at the closed door, Mike had closed it as fast as he had opened it clearly not wanting to witness his baby girl topless and participating in activities that definitely should not be happening under his roof.

"Oh my god. I can't believe that just happened." Lauren said pacing in front of me.

"He's gonna kill me."

"Babe, I think you're over exaggerating."

"Am I?" My voice cracked. I was imagining all different scenarios of what will happen when we walk out this room. All of them end the same way. My end. I'm never gonna see my family again. Ok I may be a bit of a drama queen. But it's not my fault, I have a very vivid and wild imagination. Combine that with your girlfriend's dad walking in on the two of you and there you have the results.

"Y/N, it'll be fine. He won't kill you. If anything all three of us will die from embarresment," How can Lauren be so calm right now? She pulled me up and gave me a quick peck. "or he'll put the fear of God in you."

"They both sound so enticing, how will I ever choose?" I asked sarcastically as we walked out of her room.

"Oh ha ha. Very funny. Come on baby, time to face the music." Here we go. Ok good bye sweet sweet world, you've treated me just and fair. We walked out hand in hand and found the rest of Lauren's family in the kitchen packing up the groceries they had just brought back. We exchanged hello's with everyone, except for Mike since he had already seen us. I was helping them put away things as well, that was until Mike pulled me aside. I quickly looked at Lauren who had a bit of a worried expression while Taylor and Chris gave me the thumbs up, for good luck I'm pretty sure. Clara, well she just laughed and continued on with everyone. 

Mike and I were in the back yard, I was sorta standing there awkwardly waiting for him to speak. "Y/N," oh boy, here it comes. "I understand that you'll be spending Christmas with us?" I nodded. Then something I was definitely not expecting happened. 

"I'm glad. You make Lauren the happiest I've ever seen her and I-I trust you with her." 

"Thank you, Mike. That means a lot, really." He smiled and gave me a pat on the back. As we were heading back and just before we reached the kitchen he stopped me. 

"Just know that, when the rest of the family come over, it may come as a shock to them in regards with your relationship with Lauren. So don't take it too harsh ok?" 


"Oh and Y/N. Do try and control your selves? There are other people that live here you know?" he said in a playful tone. 

A/N: I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update, it's just super busy now cause of Christmas so again, I'm sorry. But next chapter will be filled with drama? lol you'll just have to wait. Thanks again for being patient guys :) let me know what you guys think of it so far.     

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