Chapter 1

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"Camilla sweetheart wake up! Ana is here", her mother shouts outside of her room.

"Mom! Its imposible she said she will spend her summer break in the Philippines and she leave yesterday."

She's still not moving out of bed and don't have any plan to wake up. Its her summer break and her bestfriend Ana will be in the Philippines to spend her summer break with her parents.

Camilla will be taking her 3rd year in Business Administration major in Economics after her summer break, thats why she didn't make any plan to travel anywhere. She just wanted to enjoy her summer break with her family, before facing the stress and pressure of being in 3rd year college.

"Babe surprise!"

Ana showed up in her room and sit in her bed.

"Come on wake up we have things to do babe!"

"OMG! Ana your really here!"

Camilla get up with wide eyes, she cannot believe her bestfriend is really at their house.

"You said your going to the Philippines?"

"Yeah, I know! I know! But my parents change their plan and went to their second honeymoon instead."

Ana said with a bored expression on her face.

"Oh! So whats are your plan then?"

She said as she get out of bed.

"I will take a shower first then we talk about the things were going to do. And I think my Mom is cooking breakfast so you can just wait for me in the kitchen babe."

She continued as she fix her bed and Ana stand up.

"Ok babe! I'm excited!"

Ana hug Camilla before going out with a smile on her face.

After 30 minutes Camilla go out in their dinning area. Wearing a blues fitted jeans a pink crop top and black boots. Her Mom and Ana smile to her at the same time.

"Girls help me prepare the table so we can eat, I'm starving!"

When they done preparing the table they ate, while Ana and Camilla talk about their plan for summer.

"So babe whats our plan for the summer?"

Camilla ask Ana as they eat.

"Well my boyfriend actually invited me to stay with him in his hometown in  Atlanta. Do you want to come?"

"I don't think so babe! What do you think Mom?"

She said and look at her Mom

"Its up to you sweetheart, but I don't think your father will agree. You know how protective he can be."

Her mother replied with worried expression.

"Yeah, I know Mom I understand", she smiled.

"Ok girls, I will leave you here because I need to go to work. I know you want to go sweetheart but we both know your father won't approve of you going to far without us, you just turn 18 last month." Her mother said with a sorry expression on her face.

"I know Mom! I understand, I'm sure I can figure out something worthy things to do this summer. Maybe Dad will allow me to have a summer job."

"Thats a good idea sweetheart we will talk about that tomorrow when your Dad arrive from his Business trip."

"Bye Ana darling", her mother kiss both of them in the cheek and left.

Her mother is a nurse, while his father is a private accountant of big companies.

"Sorry babe, you heard my mom I can't go." She's not disappointed because she really wanted to work for summer, she just hope she can convince her Dad to her do it.

"Its ok babe, don't worry about it we have all day to be together and I can sleep here because I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon." Ana said trying to comfort her friend.

"Whats were going to do first?",Camilla ask.


They said at the same time, and both laugh.

*Hello there, thank you for reading I hope you like it. Its actually my first try writing a story so bare with the Grammar because English is definitely not my first Languange.☺

Have a Good Day 😘

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