Percy gets taken over

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Hey guys this is an actual chapter hope u enjoy

"Percy Jackson!" Kronos booms. "You will pay for this!"

Before all this had started I Percy Jackson had to go to Kronos and tell him that I was on his side so that we knew what his weakness was. As you can see it didn't work out so well. 

~~time skip before I went to Kronos~~

"See u mum" I said kissing her goodbye

"Keep safe Percy" my mum Sally said worryingly.

"Don't worry mum I've survive a lot I'll be fine as usual."

"I know Percy but I'm ur mother and I don't want u to die"

"I'll be careful I know I have my friends to protect me." 

My mum just sighs. "There's a lot of hate in this world and ur world I'm just trying to protect me."

"Ok mum" I say and leave the house for camp half blood.

At camp half blood

"Hey seaweed brain. Just right timing. We were discussing what to do coz Kronos is coming back."

"Wait what? Didn't he like die or something"

"No don't u remember?"

How I hate my ADHD. "If u remember I have ADHD."

"Duh course I remember how can I not?"

Oof they hit me like Zeus' lightning bolt smashing me through the heart.

"Anyway so what about Kronos?" I say trying to ignore that comment.

"So we need a person to go to Kronos and figure out his weakness. That person would probably be u Percy.

"Ugh yay just as I promised my mum that I'll be safe"

"So the plan is that u go to him and say that u have joined him. He then will accept u and u will probably be his guard or something (idk). Once u r comfortable u will ask personal questions  and hope it all goes to plan."

I start laughing "you think he will fall for that?? Come on think of something better. I'm sure u have a better plan."

"Nope that's the only plan."

~~time skip to present~~

So now Kronos is trying to find me and kill me as always. I pass Annabeth "thanks not so wise girl. I'm gonna die."

"Not if we can help" she says

"You can't stop him he's gonna kill u guys."

"There's no other way"

"Actually there is" I say having a moment

Dun dun dunnnnmm

Sorry for the cliffhanger. Also I couldn't be bothered with writing you and are and stuff like that so I have just abbreviated it. Plz vote and comment. 


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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Kronos takes overNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ