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Dick couldn't breathe. Chains wrapped around his body, pulling him down farther. The water was cold, and it made Dick tired. He could see the surface, which faded more every second.

You may be asking how he got into this situation. The answer: he didn't know. From what he could tell, he'd been abducted as Dick Grayson, the son of Bruce Wayne and husband of Wally West. He remembered being in the park with Wally and Maximus, but then he was waking up in some body of water.

Dick's lungs burned. His muscles ached, and his head felt fuzzy. His eyes were closing, and he could feel the fight leaving his body. He couldn't escape this one. He was too weak too do anything.

The weight hit the bottom on the sand, and Dick almost blacked out. This was it, then. He was dying. He didn't want to die, but he was ready to accept it. He'd always been ready to die. He just wished Wally could be there, so he could say goodbye one last time.

The chains loosened. Dick was confused. Wasn't he locked to a weight? Arms wrapped around his torso, and Dick knew he wasn't alone. Someone was rescuing him. Maybe he'd live.

Dick passed out before they reached the surface. He was simply too tired, and it hurt too much. He didn't know what had happened exactly, but he could assume he'd been beaten.

He woke up again to someone performing CPR on him, and he could feel water rush up. He turned to his side and coughed the water out. Someone was supporting him, which he was grateful for. He collapsed on his back when he was done, panting and feeling weak. Someone grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers. Dick held the hand to his chest, finding the strength somewhere to open his eyes.

Wally was sitting beside him, looking worried. He was soaking wet, as was Bruce. His siblings were sitting around him, looking worried for the eldest. They were all in costume, and Dick knew they'd come to save him.

Wally gently sat Dick up, pulling him against his chest. "I've got you, Dickie. We're here, you're safe now." He whispered, cupping Dick's face. Dick closed his eyes again, slumping against Wally's sturdy body.

Dick woke in his bed at the apartment, the sound of quiet conversation reaching his ears. Someone was gently dabbing at his forehead with a damp towel, humming softly. At least he was at home, and not at the hospital.

Dick cracked his eyes open to see Wally looking down at him. "Hey, Dickie. How are you feeling?" Wally smiled. "Not good. What happened?" He sounded weak. "A group of kidnappers decided they wanted you for ransom. They threw you in the ocean near the docks, but your siblings caught them. I'm so happy you're okay." "You and me both. Can I get a kiss?" Wally chuckled but complied, cupping Dick's face.

"I missed that. I love you Wally." "I love you too, Dick." "Is he awake?" Jason called. "Just woke up!" Wally called back. "And here comes the bulls in the China shop." "Don't worry. I'll wave the red flag and draw them away from you." "Dork." "Sap." "My dork." "My sap."

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