Chapter 6

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This chapter is for teamleonetta and xxAPI_PURPLExx. Thanks for reading. Other people I will dedicate to you soon but this is for them. I try to make a chapter for everyone who comments or votes!!! This is a note that in the sing Estribillo means Chorus!!!
Always Complicated Chapter 6
Theme: Studio Drama

Vilu and Indigo had become best friends. Indigo and Fede were also getting along well. Today was Vilu's last day in Buenos Aires. Tomorrow she and the studio would leave for their next tour.

It took a while for her to convince German but he came around in the end, with a little help from Jade. Vilu was sure that Jade only convinced German because she was eager to get her out of the house.

A great thing about today was that it was Indigo's first day at Studio On Beat. If Pablo and Antonio thought she could cope with all the pressure and the work then she would be able to come on the tour. Vilu really wanted that.

Vilu opened the door of her house and stepped outside. She started walking. Vilu was walking humming, En Mi Mundo. Then somebody put their hands over he eyes.

"Guess who?" He asked. She thought for a moment. 'Its Leon' she thought. "Um,Federico?" Vilu guessed. "No,guess again," "urrm, Diego," "No. Last one," he said getting slightly annoyed "Tomas!"

"No. You are a bad guesser" Leon said coming out from behind Vilu frowning. Vilu laughed and gave him a peck on the cheek. They connected their hands and started walking to the Studio.

"So are you an Indigo friends?" He asked her. "Yeah. She is amazing!" Vilu exclaimed. "So our date. We will be touring next week and I think tomorrow will be the perfect time. In Paris!"

"I would love it!" "Then remember to pack a dress or something," Leon informed her. Vilu laughed and nodded. They walked in perfect silence to the Studio. Vilu loved it.

This time instead of Vilu thinking about all of her boy problems she thought of her guy. Leon. He made her happy and gave her that feeling that everything is going to be alright. She didn't know what she would do without him.

Leon was thinking of Vilu. What can he say? He always thinks of Vilu. She is the love of his life. They got to the Studio and walked in. "We have Pablo's class right?" Leon asked Vilu. "Yes," Vilu answered.

"Vilu!" Vilu looked behind and saw Indigo. Leon gave her a go-ahead look. "Thanks," she said before running off. She got to Indigo and they jumped into each other's arms in a tight hug.

"Hey!" They said together and they giggled.

Fran and Cami walked out of the dance class and saw The back of Vilu. They were about to walk over to her when they saw she was with somebody. They suddenly got jealous looking at how much they were smiling and laughing.

They were a bit frightened that Vilu would choose her to sleep with on the tour, instead of them like they always did.   "What should we do?" Fran asked.

"What if she ditches us?" Cami replied worriedly. That doesn't help! Fran thought to herself. . They walked off to Pablo's class where they would get a breakdown of the tour.

"Come on let's go. You have to meet they guys!" Vilu said and Indigo grinned, they walked into Pablo's class. Vilu saw Leon,"There's Fede," she said. Indigo got a bit nervous. "He likes you!" Vilu assures her.

"Fine,but if I make a fool of myself it's all on you!" Indigo said pointing her index finger at her. Vilu laughed and gave her a small push  saying "Ok! Just go!" Indigo went to Fede and Vilu went to Leon.

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