Chapter 6: Welcome To The Pack

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Me, Willa, Wyatt, and Wynter walk into the wolf den and i have to say its beautiful. "In our language Awooo means hello" Wynter howled. I decided to give it a try "Awoooo". "Wow you got that on your first try" Wynter compliments. "I have a way with languages" I said smiling. "You picked a good one" Wynter teased Wyatt causing him to blush and give her a punch on the shoulder. "Wynnnterrr" he groaned. "What you said he was your soulmate" She nuged him and that was my cue to blush.

"So Im guessing hes staying in your room" Willa asked. "Yep" I replied probably to enthusiastically.  "Wynter Wyatt I am tasking you with showing him around and getting him used his new life" Willa says walking away. "Well we should get you unpacked" Wynter suggested. "Show me the way" I said. we walked down a few corridors till we made it to his room and it was actually pretty big. I walk over to one side of the room and place my bacpack down and the few possessions I took with me. "Well im done unpacking" I sarcastically told them.

"So Willa said something about my fashion" I said motioning to my clothes. "Yea those are not going to work while your here" Wynter pointed out. "Fine give me thirty minutes alone and ill fix them" I said shoving them out of the room. "Okay lets get to work" I sighed.  After twenty minutes I finished and changed into a grey t-shirt black pants with rips in the calf and shin region and a black vest with grey fur at the shoulder region. "Wynter Wyatt you can come in" I yelled. when they walked in Wynter looked way to happy and Wyatt looked shell shocked. "Earth to Wyatt you there" Wynter asked snapping her hand in front of his face. "hey stop that" he complained knocking her hand away from his face. "You look great" Wyatt complimented. "I'm with him on this one you look amazing".

we then decided to take a walk through the woods to quote on quote show me around and teach me a few things about being a werewolf. Once we got far enough in we stoped walking and sat down. "So a few things about being a werewolf A.silver is a no go it burns a lot trust me never come in contact with that again". I nodded my head. "B.the pack comes first always anything personal except if it's life threatening can be put on hold and last but not least just be yourself."She finished smiling. "I can do that I said. "So why is Willa alpha she seems a tad bit young to be alpha" I asked. "Well most of our moonstones are losing there charge witch isn't a problem except long ago Seabrook settlers took the moonstone now we have no way to charge them and sense we now you need the charge our population is getting sick and too ill to travel and that started with our elders. They got sick first and as they got worse they chose Willa to lead" Wyatt finished. "But there is hope" Wynter added "there's the great alpha prophecy that says a werewolf women of pure white hair would help lead us to the moonstone and save us all". I gave her a weak smile.

"So what cool ghost powers do you have" Wynter piped up. "Well I can do this" i said walking over to her and sticking my ar through her. "AHYHHHHHHHHHHH IVE BEEN IMPALED" she screamed I pulled my arm out of he it becoming flesh again. "And I can do this" I said holding my arm out and lifting her off the ground "Im flying" she yelled "ok fun is over im terrified" Wyatt laughed and I put her down. "so thats what I can do" I said.

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