'4 little cats' chapter 3

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                (Before the mission)

"Langris kun, can you tell me why you hated forest again?" I asked the short guy.

"Stop calling me langris kun, I'm the vice-captain of the golden dawn, you should respect me more. And I'm not gonna tell you my story again"

"Ehhh, alright then" I pouted.

He sighed "Listen carefully, I'm not gonna repeat this story again. When I was young I got kidnapped by a bunch of thugs because my family was royal. They told my parents to exchange me with money or else they're gonna kill me, I got away somehow and got lost in a forest I can't get out of the forest, I was lost. I fear that I'll never get out of there and that the forest is watching me. My tears fell down my cheeks as I sat down hopelessly but then the magic knights found me and the thugs were caught." He told me as we sat down in a bench. "That's why I hated to be in a forest, especially when I'm alone"

"Then I'll make sure to be there when you're lost" I smiled at him with assurance.

"What's wrong? You just smiled at me so sweetly then it disappeared. Tell me, what is it?"

"It's just that, I... ummm... do we still need to hide o-our relationship to others and to captain? I feel like we are wanted person hiding from the magic knights, like we did a crime, but in reality we did not. How long should we keep it a secret?"

"You're worried about that now? you know better what will happen if they know that we have a relationship do you really want me to marry the girl my parents are forcing me to? Y/n, I thought that we are over this already"

"Yes I know!" I shouted at him. "But I can't take it anymore, whenever I see you with Roxy(made up character) my blood just boils up and whenever I see her touching your hand it makes me want to kill her. I can't do it langris, I can't refrain her from being with you because if I do, then the whole squad will know that I have feelings for you, that we're a couple." I said while trying to hold back my tears.

"Well then you also know that I can't leave her cause we were being partnered by captain william on a mission. Y/n you know that I only love you" he cupped my cheeks as I look into his sincere eyes.

"Yes I know, but something must change, I can't stay like this, I need a break."

"Break? What do you mean by that?" Confused langris asked me

"I need time and think clearly if we should continue this, I still love you langris so don't worry"

"Still love? Then why do you need time thinking if we should continue this, don't you love me anymore?!"

"I-I-I don't know" with that I left him as my tears started pouring down"

Weeks passed and I haven't talked to langris for a while. I received a note from captain saying that I'm set to go on a mission with yuno, captain rill, luck, and langris.

                   End of flashback

"May I sit here?" He just purred at my question.

"Ummm langris, I'm sorry if I doubted you" I chuckled "huh, I don't even know if you can understand me right now, but I need to tell you something. Its, how do I say it? Hm, in 1 week I'll be leaving clover kingdom. Sounds crazy right? I just wanted to spend my remaining days going out with you without worrying that getting caught I wanted to let people know about our relationship before I parted from you." My chest stiffened as I prevent my tears going down. But a single tear escaped from my eyes. "Let's go back langris, they must be waiting for us" I picked him up and held him in my arms as my tears started falling, I held him tighter as I imagine myself without him.

                        (Next day)

We were walking under the blazing sun, when we found an old abandoned house, we decided to take a rest for a while or else we die because of heat stroke. We went inside and told them to stay so that I can hunt food.

         Hunting, hunting, hunting

After I got food, I went back.

"I'm back kittens" closing the door behind me. "What the-" my mouth hungs open as I saw them. Them, in their normal state. "You guys are back to normal?!?!?! Ho-how???"

"Y/n chan!!!" The blonde hair said as he went up to me and hugged me.


"Hehe" he smiled at me. "Hey, y/n chan will you marry me?"


"Oy you black bull! You can't possibly marry y/n!" Langris said with a little bit of annoyance in his face

"But why can't I? She's sweet and caring" he pouted looking at langris

"What do you mean by that? Do you...you... have memories when you guys are cats?!?!?"

"Mm hm!" Luck said with a smile on his face

My face reddened at his answer, does, does langris heard everything I've said??? Ahhhhhh. 

"Come on now luck, you can't possibly marry y/n"

"But why captain rill?"

"Why, you said? Because she'll be my wife and I'll be painting her on my biggest canvas. Right y/n?" He said while clinging to my arm

Author: I tried my best, it was the only idea I have. Sorry it took so long

Black Clover (luck x reader)(oneshot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora