Here's Your Chance - Zouis

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A/N: Started this a while ago. It’s a present for your patience while I’ve been away.

Pairing: Zouis.

“ “Think our clubbing adventures will be front page?” he asked sleepily.

Zayn laughed. “Page three at least.” He reassured Louis, stroking his hair.”

WARNINGS: Smut. Gay sex. The usual.

Word count: ~2816~

Louis was bored.

 That was the only way to put it- the mind-numbing boredom that stems from a lack of stimulation or activity, that frustrating feeling that starts at tapping your fingers on the table and mutates until you find yourself hanging off the end of your bed upside-down and counting the flowers on the tacky wallpaper in your hotel room…and Louis had a bad case of it.

 The band had been back in the hotel for quite a few hours now, and Niall had already slipped off to bed, mumbling about jet lag and element exposure. Harry and Liam both pulled something similar, explaining that they were off to ring their mums before they, too, fell to sleep after the long day.

 But Zayn had stayed awake, and he had amused him, entertaining his boredom in the way only Zayn could, because he was always there and always had time for Louis.

 Until he went upstairs for a cigarette five minutes beforehand. So Louis sat, plotting things to do and games to play, looking out the window towards the view wistfully and wishing that he was out there, experiencing all the magic that the beautiful city had to offer. He’d caught glimpses of its wonders, but as always with Louis, it wasn’t enough. He needed to see every corner, every nook and cranny, before he was satisfied and satiated, a current running through his body and buzzing him up until he did what he wanted.

 Louis wouldn’t sleep until he’d seen all that he could see.

 “Am I interrupting a deep thought?” Zayn stood in the doorway, a bemused expression gracing his features.

 “Maybe a little, but perhaps you can help,” Louis replied, unable to keep the small smile from slipping onto his face at the sight of his friend standing there, his salt-crusted hair sticking up a little and sun-kissed skin glowing in the aftermath of his day under the sun.

 Zayn decided to play along. “At your service,” he bowed flamboyantly, flourishing his hand, “But may I ask why I am required?”

 Louis beckoned Zayn closer, meeting him halfway. “We should sneak out,” He whispered in his ear, “and explore the local nightlife.”

 A shiver ran through Zayn’s body as he contemplated the spontaneity of the action. “But Paul told us to stay inside tonight…” he argued half-heartedly, knowing that he’d give in to Louis either way.

 Louis pouted a little. “Aww, c’mon Zaynie! Live a little! And anyway, what happens if I get lost? Who will take care of me?” he added slyly, playing off the protectiveness of his junior band member.

 Groaning, Zayn picked up his phone and wallet, slipping his hotel key into his pocket as a silent consent to the (admittedly idiotic) stunt they were about to pull. Noticing this, Louis cheered, throwing his arms around Zayn’s neck and pressing a kiss to his cheek- and no, it definitely didn’t cause the warm red blush seeping up his neck and onto his cheeks.


 Donning beanies and sunglasses in the hopes that they’d have less chance of being spotted, they boys crept down the hallway and into the elevator, Louis checking around ever corner and informing Zayn that the ‘coast is clear’ like the childish play-spy he was. As they reached the glass doors that faced the street entrance, Zayn grabbed Louis’ wrist.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2012 ⏰

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