TRIVA- Part 2

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Dexter Vex:
* When Derek Landy was asked about his sexuality, he responded that there was none when one was 400 years old.
* He once owned a kitten named Sabrina.
* He claims to have taught Skulduggery to dance.
* He was once a hippy and grew his hair long.
* Looks a hell of a lot like Theo James.

Saracen Rue:
* When Derek Landy was asked about his sexuality, he responded that there was none when one was 400 years old.
* During a Q&A at a signing Derek Landy was asked what Saracen's power was, Derek stated that Saracen Rue was his name in the books. This would mean that because Saracen is essentially the author he would know things that no-one else would.
* Looks like a spitting image of Hugh Jackman

Anton Shudder:
* His height was about 62'.

Erskine Ravel:
* He could be named after the former president and Taniste of Ireland Erskine Childers.
* His story arc was in development since Playing With Fire. It was concluded in Last Stand Of Dead Men. (Yes that does mean Derek was manipulating us since book two. )

Corrival Deuce:
* He enjoyed doing crosswords and eating cakes.
* He was the founder of the Dead Men.
* The Requiem Ball was held at his mansion until he died.

* He filled in for Erskine Ravel, Ghastly Bespoke and others while they took time off to recover. He became a permanent member after the death of Hopeless.
* He died in Wales half a year before the war ended
* He was killed by Serpine's right hand in order to save Dexter.

* It is unknown what type of magic Hopeless used. Though he was described as "a man of one name and many faces" so he may be able to create illusions like Robert Crasis.
* He died after a mission in Russia.

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