Nightwish Interlude: The Legend of Arthur

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The plains of Kalayeon – a wide rice field customized for the rice production of the Kingdom. It was fenced by mountains and was heavily guarded by elite soldiers. Far beyond the mountain peak was another plain. This was a barren piece of land . A small cottage could be sighted on it's end. This is where Arthur lived.

            Arthur was a good little boy. He helps his father, John, during Saturdays and goes with his mother, Mary   during weekdays. They were poor but they were happy with what they had. John was a wood-cutter while Mary does laundry for the King in the Kingdom of Kalayeon.

            Everytime Arthur goes with his mother in the palace, he always watch the soldier's training. Because of this, an ambition and goal entered his mind. “I would be a noble Knight someday.” He said to himself. “Don't worry son, God will help you attain it if you keep your faith.”


            Years passed by – Arthur grew into a nice & handsome teenager. He knew he was ready to face the challenge of becoming a Knight.

            “Mom! I want to train with the Kingdom's Soldiers.”

            “Son, you're still young. You're only seventeen.”

            “But mom.....”

            “Don't worry Mary, I guess Arthur would make a good Knight after all.”

                        John uttered as he tapped his son's shoulders.

            “Thanks dad.” Arthur was greatful.

            After everything was fixed, Arthur bid goodbye with his parents. Mary shed tears as she watched her son disappear from her eye sight. Moments after, as Arthur was traveling the road to the palace, he met some robbers on the way. They were trying to beat him with a club. One of the robbers were about to stab Arthur when a minataur came out of nowhere. It attacked the robbers and sucessfully drove all of them to the wilds. After that, Arthur thanked the minataur. “Deepest gratitude Sire. I'm Arthur. What could I do to express my thankfulness to you?”

            “I'm Cairne, I just need water for my journey.”

            The young man gave his pouch filled with water to the creature and they bid goodbye with each other. Arthur continued his travel to the Kingdom of Kalayeon.


            After some time, he reached the palace. The guard was a friend of his family so he sucessfully entered the premises. He talked to the general and he was given the permission to train with the soldiers.

            “ You'll start training with the boys tomorrow”, General Xiao uttered.

            The next day, Arthur started hanging out with the soldiers. However, everything he does is aweful. During the archery training of Arthur, he almost hit his fellow trainees. When he was on the sword section, his sword flew away and almost hit his instructor's head. The general had no choice but to dismiss Arthur off the training. Arthur became very sad. He was bitter about God for not helping him attain his goal. The young man packed his things and went out of the kingdom with his head bowed low. He was crying outside and inside. His heart bled. Then he was so furious when he remembered what his mother told him about faith.

            When he was approaching his house's premises, he heard sounds produced by horse. He immediately hid behind the trees. Then he saw their house surrounded by knights of the nearby Kingdom of Quel'thalas. The teen was nervous. He thought that his parents were being arrested. He found his way through the knights without being seen and entered the house through a window. There, he saw a general talking with his parents.

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