He almost stood up with me on his back but I wrapped my arms around his head and squeezed him in a head lock that made him gasp and only fell to the floor when Jimin and Hoseok came to help to hold him down.

"Running away is not going to solve anything and you know it!"

"We have hurt her in the past but now we can try to make up for it." Jimin

Jungkook scoffed and slumped back down to the floor with the three of us holding him down.

"We can never make up for what we have already done! Just let me go and she'll never have to see me again!" Jungkook

"No! You know we can't do that." Hoseok

"Yes you can! Just please, let me go! If we stay or if I stay she'll end up more hurt and broken than she already is and it's all our faults, especially you Namjoon!" Jungkook

I sighed heavily to let go of his Head and roll off his back and sit next to his face as he lay completely flat down on the floor, his chest pressed against the wooden flooring and arms kept behind his back by Jimin.

"Jungkook, do you love her?"

He froze under Jimin and Hoseok at my sudden question. Even the two in his back seemed shocked by my sudden question, but I needed to ask him. I don't get how he claims to love her but he couldn't stay away from the female when the rest of us did.

After sometime he didn't answer. He stared at my knee as I was seated crossed legged on the floor. I watched how his face would scrunch up and his tears rapidly fell down his cheeks, and the top of his nose turning pink.

"Well, do you?"

I patiently wait.

"I-I do." Jungkook

"Are you sure? You took your time to answer."

He very quickly moves his chin up and down as much as he was able to move his head.

"Yes, I do. So freaking much it hurts! I don't know why I did what I did but it destroys me that she saw that! To be in constant reminder of her face when she witnessed that, I-I just can't face her! I don't know how you can do that Namjoon?" Jungkook

I don't handle it, that's my problem. I forced myself to hate her when every inch of me told me that I'm in love with her. Hell I didn't want that so bad I almost killed her for it and I don't want Jungkook to end up the same way.

"What do you love about her?" Jimin

Jungkook sniffled and chuckled a little at the question. I stared at him as Jimin also looked down at him waiting for an answer.

"Oh, god where do I start. E-everything about her. The way she walks, the way she talks. They way she carries me around like a teddy bear when I'm in cat form. The way when she snores, it sounds like a beautiful whistle from a windy day outside. Not too loud or too quiet. When she gets nervous, she tries to hide her scratching habit by batting those eye lashes thinking it's a way to distract anyone, when clearly it doesn't." Jungkook

He chuckled but kept continuing with his little speech and so far I couldn't disagree with anything he said.

"Or when she eats, she hums when she enjoys her food or the way her eyes light up every time she watches those cat videos. She's too cute for her own good and she doesn't even know it." Jungkook

"Jungkook?" Y/n

His eyes grew wide as well as mine and I turned to her voice and saw that she was standing at the bottom of the stairs with Taehyung beside her. I didn't even hear her coming down.

Looking back at Jimin he had a devilish grin spread across his face. He knew didn't he?
He knew she was down here and no one said anything. I didn't even notice she was down here.

I just hope she didn't hear the first part of Jungkooks outburst.

"Jungkook, did you mean all that?"  Y/n

He said nothing but tightly squeezed his eyes shut, but they flew back open when Jimin slaps his butt and Hoseok shifted off Jungkook with a laugh.

"You better answer her jungkookie." Jimin

Jungkooks sighs, sadly and moves his head enough to nod.

"Y-yeah, I did." Jungkook

"Oh, Jungkook." Y/n

She comes closer and places her hand on his shoulder and squats down next to him and onto her butt so she's now in front of his face and in between me and him.

"I-I'm so sorry y/n. I didn't mean to, I-I don't know what came over me, I'm j-just so sorry." Jungkook

His voice was cracking as he spoke and I took the time to stand back up on my two feet and watch the two together. Jimin slowly moved off Jungkooks back and now he was laying there on the floor at his own free will.

"I-it's okay kookie. I understand urges, but please, just don't do that again." Y/n

She too forgiving.
I wouldn't expect her to forgive him, or me or anyone that easily.

The moment she stops talking he quickly sits up and pulls her into his arms to sit her on his lap and buries his face into the side of her neck, crying and keeping her close.

It was a cute moment for the two of them but some of the things Jungkook said have stuck in my mind. Maybe she is better off with out us but at the same time would we since she seems to suffer from all these mental disorders.

I'll have to read what Yoongi has seen, then I'll get a better idea of what she's going through.

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