16: Who cares about Prohibition?

Start from the beginning

"In your dreams."
I said poking his head with my index finger.

"Well that happens everyday."

Did he just confessed about having wild dreams?!

With that the said guy retreated to where the others had headed to.
Shower perhaps.
I can't even imagine myself with him . IN A SHOWER. !! damn.


I had my back supporting my weight on the black SUV , when the similar cologne hit my nostrils.
The guy reached closer with a smug smile on his face.

"Shall we leave?"

"Ai ai captain." I said doffing off the bucket hat and placing it on his head .

Can I tell you something just between you and me .
When I hear your voice I know I'm finally free.
Every single day is perfect as it can be.
And I need you here with me.

The lyrics busted in my ears as we made it into the diner.
And I just can't help but feel so related with the song , for I find myself in Lauren Mayberry's shoes.

Clasping the big hand even more tightly in my tiny one , we got near the table , that was decorated a bit , all the basketball team members, the cheering girls and few tag along friends had already joined.

What surprised me was , Anna sitting on Taehyung's lap!!!

And all I did was stare at the two like an idiot.
My BFF is dating?
The said girl gave me an I'll explain you later look. And I tried to shrug it off.

Well it's common , for everyone was equally shocked upon finding me and Jeon being a thing.

Even Tzuyu supported.
Not exactly, for she thinks I must enjoy till I'm married.

The celebration began and the chicks slowly started hitting the dance floor , don't forget the shots of ... Well I don't even know the names of drinks properly.

The diner gets all engulfed by teens during weekends.
It's so loud , cheerful and nostalgic . The memories from my first visit here flashed back like a movie in my mind , and my eyes drifted to the chocolate brown ones , which were already looking my way.

He squeezed himself out of the crowd of his teammates that surrounded him and moved towards the back , not breaking the gaze.

And that's my hint to follow.
The deck .
Just like the previous time , beautifully decorated with lighting series , wooden chairs , and the amazing farm behind . The cold cozy breeze and the dark sky filled with the clusters of stars. This could be a beautiful portrait if painted down with love.

Expecting to see the tall guy somewhere there , I frowned upon his absence.
He came here right?
Turning around I took a glance back inside , to see if I missed him hiding somewhere , but to no avail , I couldn't spot him.

"Park Janice , this way."
The familiar lively voice jolted my guards.

And I was just utterly bewildered on spotting the missing guy beyond the balustrade .
There he stood , in the farm with his black DSLR in one of his hands, the other waving back at me, indicating me to get there.

Well which of his stuff isn't black.

Confused I started looking around for any kind of way to reach the farm , but none.

Was the farm a part of this diner? If yes then there should be a route to get in.
If no passage , then we aren't meant to go there. And the latter estimation seems more valid.

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