"Very well, do you have a permit to open a stand here?"

The man looked over at me irritability, "I come and go as I please. I don't have time to wait for a permit. The knights don't come all the way here anyways."

Many of the civilians began to examine the objects, clearly interested on purchasing the item.

"I see...so, you don't have a permit nor you had the official paperwork to sell these foreign items. Which all can lead to one thing, they could be stolen or illegal goods."

"Thus leading to the damage of trust within the countries that are part of the trade. Many companies will suffer for your lousy excuse of goods. "

The man's cold eyes stared into my e/c ones, neither of us willing to back off.

'Be prepared old man, I'm about to end your whole career!'

Just as I was about to off I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around I was met with warm blue eyes.

"You really should try to not cause too much trouble in a foreign country, Y/N."

My eyes stayed on the young man before I hugged him tightly.

"Oh Yunan! You've come for me!"

Yunan chuckled slightly, returning the hug before leading me away from the confused old man.

"Now now, if I do remember correctly, you were supposed to only go for a small trip." His eyes harden slightly as he stared at me. "Y/N you've been gone for more than a month, Ive been visiting Sindria and it looks like your brother has been wanting to set out a search party for you."

I stared at the ground in thought.

"So...you two are still mad at each other...?" I whisper softly.

Yunan smiles sadly before grabbing my hand gently.

"You know the answer Y/N. Both of us acknowledged it but it won't work. Even if he was my candidate.."

I let out a soft sigh, bringing my hands back to be sides. Yunan helped my brother and I throughout our adventure on creating the country Sinbad always dreamed of. He wanted to cause a change in the world ever since the war our father died in. So, we left Parthevia.

That was 14 years ago...

Even through Yunan had helped us, Sinbad still had ill feelings towards him. Going as far as calling him a villain. Yunan on the other hand, he feels that he can't trust my brother. He explained to me that he was almost too close on being a "perfect king vessel", which terrified Yunan.

Even though Sinbad is my brother, Yunan has always been there to help me through the difficult times where my brother could not help. I looked over at Yunan who kept smiling at me.

'You don't know how thankful I am for having you in my life...'

I smiled at Yunan before booping his nose, startling the poor Magi. I stretched my arms over my head as I changed the subject.

"I don't believe you only came to come get me Yunan... we both know you were the one to raise the dungeon here."

Yunan gave me his cute signature close eyes smile, almost as if he was confirming it. My stomached growled slightly, telling me it's lunch time. I looked over at Yunan with the biggest puppy eyes I could muster.

"Yunan~ Gregory is hungry..."

Yunan stared at me me confused, looking around the crowd of people.

"Is Gregory your new friend you made here?"

I deadpanned at the Magi, seeing he still can't take my stupid jokes.

"My stomach, Yunan. I'm talking about my stomach."

For who knows why, but Yunan suddenly burst into tears as he slumped onto the ground. I panicked since bystanders kept giving us weird stares at the scene that was unfolding before them. God even I was wondering what is happening.

"Yunan! Buddy, what's wrong?"

He looked at me with his tear filled eyes pointing at my stomach.

"Gregory... it's boy isn't it?"

He continued making his scene, i was still confused on what he was blabbering about. Until something clicked in my brain.

'He thinks I-'

I bit my lip, trying not to burst out laughing where I failed miserably. Yunan stared at me quite confused on why I was laughing. After a while, mainly because I couldn't breathe anymore.

I pointed at Yunan, "you think I'm gonna have a kid...."

Yunan innocently nods his head. I couldn't help it as another wave of laughter overcame me once again. After explaining to Yunan between laughs, he seemed to understand that this 'gregory' person was a metaphor...

I clapped my hands together before helping the poor Magi to his feet.

"Well now that you understand I believe your apologies are in order! I only accept them through food so... off we go!"

I wrapped my arm with his own as I led him to a diner I saw yesterday.

"But, I was the one who got traumatized, shouldn't you be treating me?"

I pointed a finger to his face before shaking my head.

"You have embarrassed moi on many levels in public with your little dramatic scene you placed."

His blue eyes stared on the ground before looking up to my own. Yunan smiles brightly,as I returned the smile.

ー ⚓️    ー

I feel like this chapter is chaotic at the end, but it's all for Yunan.

Magic is Magic! ||Nozel x Reader||Where stories live. Discover now