"Okay. I'm ready."

"Why don't you just try to use the lightning," he offered. "I must tell you, you might not be able to use it on your first try. In fact, I'd be extremely shocked if you were able to do so."

"Okay," she said before trying to concentrate.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked.

"Let's do this," she responded.

"First, you're going to take all of your energy and power into your arms."

Doing as she was told, she took a second to concentrate before pulling all of her energy, thoughts, and strength into her arms.

She tried to form lightning but for some reason she was unable to do so.

"Once you've concentrated that energy, try to imagine forcing it out of your fingertips. Imagine the lightning shooting out of your hands."

Although she followed his instructions exactly she still couldn't do it.

"It's okay if you are unable to do it. You need to remember that you have only started practicing your powers today. It's going to take you quite a while to be able to use them." The more he talked about how long it would take for her to control her powers the more annoyed she got.

As her rage increased she continued to imagine the lightning growing in her fingertips until it surged out of her body and into the world surrounding her.

At that moment something happened. A spark on her fingertips. Not lightning but a spark. "Did you see that!?"

"Good job, Mia," Mr. Payson congratulated.

"That was awesome! Great job," Blake said with a warm smile on his face.

Although she was immensely happy and proud she was exhausted. It seemed as though all of her energy had been taken out of her and into that tiny spark.

Suddenly, she felt her eyelids begin to flutter as the world around her began to spin. The dizziness was catching up to her as the world darkened.

She noticed Blake running towards her from across the room and grabbed her before everything went dark.


Mia woke up in a comfortable bed, her eyes still closed due to her lack of energy. After a few minutes, she slowly opened her eyes to see Blake looking down at her.

"Thank goodness. You seriously need to not do that again."

"So you were worried about me, huh?" Mia joked.

"Psh. No. You think that I'd be worried about you?"

"You care about me," she said in a sing-song voice.

"No, I don't," he defended, rolling his eyes.

"Suuuure," she said, winking at him jokingly.

"You are never going to let this go, are you?" he asked. It seemed as though he was trying to look annoyed or irritated or something but the small smile on his handsome face was a dead giveaway.

"Nope," she said, popping the p. "I will never forget the day that Blake Payson cared about Mia Patterson," she told him with a smug grin.

"Jeez! Why, oh why, did I ever decide to befriend you?" he wondered aloud. "Anyway, can you stand up?"

"I think so," she said.

"Why don't you try to sit up slowly," Blake suggested.

"Okay." Mia tried to sit up until she realized just how drained the training had really been. Just sitting up on the bed gave her a headache.

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