Hidden Leaf Home

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I remember how it ended, destroying part of me that was part of his. It gave me self regret. The guilt eating inside of me made me remember what I've done with my own bloody hands.

" I'm sorry" he smiled as I watched him cough out blood. I tried to save him but he stopped me, he didn't want to be saved.. he knew that he was going to die some day.

If only I would of known, Why..why you made me kill you..

Watching everything turn into darkness and alone I scream out his name reaching out with my hand for him to save me..



Waking up suddenly from my bed, I felt my body sweating and heavy breathing. It was a dream or a nightmare, giving me such a trauma as visions kept replaying in my head.

You idiot.. why did you have to do that..

I thought, feeling the anger and guilt inside me, alone as I was in my apartment.

Heading in the bathroom I headed to wash up my face with my normal expression, widening my eyes I noticed to see blood on my hands and a flashback of Itachi. Or so I thought it was in my head playing tricks on me.

its ok.. everything is ok..

re wrapping my wound of how painful and old it gotten, I went to replace a new one as I was putting my uniform and shoes on.

" I'm off " I said to myself and left the apartment

I should thank Kakashi when I get a chance

| Hokage's Office |

"Amaya, I blame myself." I was on my one knee as Lord Third was speaking, looking up and confused I said " Lord Third?"

He sigh giving out an expression of guilt but he knew that he couldn't show his emotions, it was a shinobi rule.

" no please, I chose to do it even if I regret it for the rest of my life. I'm loyal to you, my clan... and this leaf village."

" very well Amaya. Over the past years I admire your skill and talent, you go out on missions but now it's best for you to take some time off" my eyes widened " s-sir!"

" It's best Amaya, and consider something of resigning the Anbu black ops"


Lord Third wants me to resign the Anbu?

I was heading my way to the leaf hospital to have my wounds checked and to see Sasuke. Feeling distracted in my mind, kakashi was able to treat my wounds last night, But the pain seem to increase of how Itachi.. crack my rib a little.

I need to get it checked out, Sasuke..

I reached to Sasuke's room and reached to slide the door open, spotting him not on his bed left undone.

Walking inside further he was spotted in front of the window, with no shoes on and the same torn clothes he wore last night.

Saying nothing, I stood patiently as it grew quiet in the room.

" Amaya.. " he said my name " when are we able to go home?"

Walking over next to him, I bend down at his level touching his cheeks with my hands as I tried hard not to cry " Not for a long time.."

Looking at his face, his eyes were dark " It's true isn't it.. you killed my home, my parents.. Itachi.."

" Sasuke.." I said softly

Amaya UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now